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8 delicious chocolate gift ideas for Valentine's Day


With Valentine's Day fast approaching, both men and women will likely include chocolate as part of Cupid's big event. It's a safe bet (we're looking at you, fellas!) and a low-risk option that offers a strong chance of hearing "awwww, you're so must've read that post on Modern Mississauga!" Or something like that.

We've partnered with the folks at the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory in Square One and present eight great chocolate options for Valentine's Day. If you're not in a relationship, that simply means more for you!

Now if you already have something non-chocolate based in mind, these chocolate options are great as an add-on, but if you're scrambling for gift ideas, they can definitely stand on their own.

Oh, and gals, the gents don't mind some chocolate either...just sayin'.

1. Chocolate Face and Body Paint

Channel your inner artist with this choice and perhaps your "ooh la la" adult based side.

2. Chocolate Dipped Strawberries

A tried and true classic that rarely disappoints.

3. Chocolate Roses

You can't eat real roses, so choose these instead. They look just as good and taste even better!

4. Heart's Desire Assorted Chocolates

When in doubt, go with an assortment. There's bound to be at least a few in the box that'll be consumed quickly.
Also, you can have the leftovers, if there are any, which there probably won't be. 

5. Chocolate Heart

Expressing your feelings through shapes and chocolate is simple and delicious. 

6. Chocolate Foil Wrapped Hearts

Similar to #5 but with multicoloured foil wrapping! And just as good.

7. Truffles

Mmmmmm truffles! Taking chocolate to the next level.

8. Chocolate Heart Sucker

Keep your hands clean with this choice. 


Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory
Square One Shopping Centre
905-277-CHOC (2462)