Modern Mississauga Media

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Modern Artist Profile – Mississauga's Matt Zaddy

In conversation with Mississauga’s powerhouse musician, Matt Zaddy.

1. How long have you been an active musician?
Since 2000.  My first 11 years were focused on progressive metal, the last eight on folk-rock / rhythm & blues.

2. Your involvement in the music community is tremendous and you’ve won a prestigious Mississauga Music Award for the 2019 Best Local Promoter - What's the most rewarding aspect?
Seeing growth in my fellow musicians, and knowing that music culture in my community thrives for the listener and the creator.

3. You've just released a new album - How would you describe it to a stranger?
It’s a mix of folk-rock / rhythm & blues that focuses on storytelling. There are groovy songs in the vein of John Mayer, Hozier, Black Crowes, Serena Ryder, Neil Young, Damien Rice.

4. How was the songwriting on this album different from 2015’s "Perfect Moments?"
Perfect Moments was written over five years and focused more on where I had been, and my hope for the future.  The new album focused more on life lessons I've learned over the last few years.  I also worked with a new producer on this record, Ross Citrullo of RHC Music.  He really pushed me to make the songs the absolute best they could be musically.

5. What inspired the songs on your new album?
These songs were inspired by life lessons, of trying to be the best version of myself I can, and sharing that with the world around me.  Life, love, hardship, redemption, and the people in my life that I am lucky enough to share my days with.

6. What succinct advice do you have for developing musicians?
Work hard at your craft, and be smart about the music business side of things.  Learn from those who have been successful and collaborate.  Make daily effort to improve on your skills and your knowledge.  You can do this, but you cannot do everything yourself.

7. What does 2020 look like for you?
I’ll be traveling across Canada promoting the new album and playing as many festivals as I can, trying to get the message out there.  It’ll be a great year!