Modern Mississauga presents Ask The City - how does the City of Mississauga decide which roads get cleared first?
Modern Mississauga and the City of Mississauga have come together to present an ongoing series called “Ask the City.” We’ll share relevant information here and answer your questions about our city.
Today’s question is about winter maintenance in Mississauga.
With winter’s early debut, how does the City decide which roads get cleared first?
The City's priority is safety and accessibility. With this being said, the City clears and salts using a priority route system. Major roads, on-street bike lanes, priority sidewalks, bus stops, pedestrian crossings and designated roadside multi-use trails are cleared first, followed by residential and secondary roads. Residential roads and priority sidewalks are not cleared to bare pavement but are made passable and safe.
During severe winter events, the City may declare a Significant Weather Event – under the Ontario Municipal Act to allow winter crews time to deploy winter equipment to respond to a significant winter storm. Levels of service will be placed on hold until the declaration has ended.
Learn more about the City of Mississauga’s snow clearing operations.
If you’ve got a question about the City, we want to hear from you!
Please send your questions to with “Ask the City” in the subject line.