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Why Branded Footwear Can Be A Better Option

With so many online clothing retailers online and in all our high streets these days, it can be easy to think it would be a safer option to buy cheaper footwear rather than a branded alternative.  There are several things to be considered when it comes to deciding whether or not to get yourself a branded pair of footwear.


Many of us have been there asking ourselves why we should go buy a branded pair of shoes when we can get ourselves a cheap pair from one of the many available high street retailers or online outlets.  Whether it’s a cheap pair of sneakers or a flat pair of plimsolls, within a few weeks or less you will most likely regret your purchase.  It can only be a matter of time before you find yourself with bruised heels from the lack of support or blisters forming from your feet rubbing against the poorly fitted footwear and it can be difficult knowing how to treat a blister safely.  Alternatively, you can make the move to buy a nice pair of branded sneakers and you definitely can’t go wrong with a pair of Fendi sneakers like those available from SSENSE.  Getting yourself a good pair of comfortable shoes can help you avoid potential feet issues and reduce the shock absorption your knees take.


The cost-efficient argument when it comes to buying branded footwear is a widely debated topic.  Is it worth paying the extra for something you know will last longer or just replacing the cheaper fast deteriorating alternatives more frequently?  Getting a good pair of branded sneakers or boots might set you back that extra bit of cash but overall, you are getting the comfort you pay for.  Depending on where you shop you might be able to get a couple or even a few pairs for the same price but when you have to replace them more often because of their cheaper design and material is it really worth the hassle?  The frustration of parts tearing off and starting to look that bit scruffy after just a few wears often speaks volume.  It can be highly beneficial to save up some of your money to get that branded pair which in the end might be more cost-efficient.


When it comes to the style argument there really was ever going to be one winner.  As much as the cheaper alternatives try to find ways to replicate the styles of branded footwear it just doesn’t quite display the same level of flair.  Footwear is an important accessory in your outfit and when it comes to the cheaper pairs, they don’t quite offer that same added bit of finesse that a branded pair does. Having that branded pair can make you look your best and help you become a more confident person. The top shoe designers are employed by the top global branded companies and any aspiring designer would look for the opportunities to work there. 

Overall, when you look at comfort, endurance and style it is really more beneficial to get a branded pair of footwear.  It might set you back that little bit of extra cash but when we spend so much time our feet it’s worth treating yourself to that branded pair, you deserve it.