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Why 2020 Has Seen a Rise in Breakups

2020 has been a tough year. With the global pandemic caused by COVID-19, people all over the world have experienced a lot of tough changes. Some have lost loved ones, while others have lost their jobs. But what many people don’t realize is that 2020 has been a year that also saw a rise in the number of breakups, according to

The Popularity of Online Dating in 2020

Before we dive into why there has been an increase in the number of breakups this year, let’s discuss something positive: more people are turning to dating apps and sites to find their perfect match in a time when it is difficult, if not impossible, to meet new people in person. And this is true for people all over the world. You could be using a dating app in Los Angeles, or you could start online dating in Calgary if you’re in Canada.

The nice thing about online dating is that you can really get to know someone before meeting them in person. Having conversations via text, over the phone, and even during a long video chat, can reveal a lot about a person. And, when you want to be careful about who you interact with directly because of the risk of the coronavirus, this has been really helpful for everyone from people in London to people dating Perth.

Why Are People Breaking Up So Much?

The bad news is that this year has seen the highest number of breakups, nationally and internationally, particularly when you compare it to the previous three years. While the pandemic has helped people turn to online dating to meet their match, it has also had an effect on couples who have been stuck at home for extended periods of time. Relationships have been strained and tested, and often pushed to their limits, as a result of the forced isolation.

Basically, because people have been forced to spend so much more time together, they have been able to get to know each other’s quirks better. For a lot of couples, this time has been a period of awakening, during which they have noticed unwanted characteristics in their significant other. However, in addition to that, many couples have found themselves fighting a lot more than usual because they have been stuck at home as a result of the pandemic. Rather than continue fighting and not liking one another, a lot of them have decided to part ways.

What Have Dating Apps Seen?

Dating sites and apps have seen a rise in the number of single users that have been signing up for their services, thereby providing more proof that breakups have become even more common in 2020.

Plus, when conducted a survey of its users, a whopping 67% of them stated that they’d gone through a breakup in the last year. And, of those, 49% of them said they were living with their partner before they broke up. Compare that to last year, when a mere 34% of users said they’d gone through a breakup.

Ultimately, joining a dating app is the way that a lot of people work on getting over a breakup, and it’s their way of moving on from their past relationship. They can start to see what else is out there, and their hope is that they’ll find someone who’s more compatible with them than their previous partner.