Modern Mississauga Media

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Learn about and support the Mississauga Arts Council's Holiday Arts Boutique online store

The Mississauga Arts Council (MAC) is developing a virtual marketplace and artists' hub for exchanging information, selling tickets, music, artworks, connecting with each other and most importantly bringing the arts to the public of Mississauga and the GTA.

The Holiday Arts Boutique is the first step, a pilot online store, bringing beautiful works of art and craftsmanship to holiday shoppers, from 45 artists with 400 products and services available now with more to come.

MAC held the Cranberry Christmas Market for four successful years and of course with COVID we couldn't do it this year, so we had to adjust like everyone else.

We estimate there are 4000 practicing artists in Mississauga, they contribute millions to our economy, create beautiful inspiring, healthy eco-friendly products and services. Creative experiences make us healthier mentally and physically. They make our communities healthier and safer. In these
stressful times, having something so fulfilling and healthy to enjoy is crucial.

Artists are dedicated to exploring our better selves and bringing joy and that is a measure of our civilization, our progress, our hopes.

The Holiday Arts Boutique will be open through the season until early January, when we will begin retrofitting it for Valentine's Day. This will become our seasonal store for the arts community and an
active part of the new arts hub coming this spring.

The Holiday Arts Boutique is an online store for shoppers looking for special and unique gifts.
Click here to support our community, artists, creators and remember to shop local.