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Small Business Profile - Mississauga's Amadio's Pizza Celebrates 30 Successful Years

Amadio’s Pizza, owned by Mississauga’s Margit and Joe Leroux, are celebrating 30 successful years of serving our community this year.
I spoke with Joe, the Canadian Pizza Chef of the Year in 2016, about their journey thus far.

1. What brought you into the world of pizza?
When I was 14, there was a pizzeria called Piccininni's close to my house. I applied and they hired me.
I worked there through my high school years and that’s how it all started.

2. What's been the biggest contributor to your 30 year career?
Without question, my intelligent, patient, remarkable and resilient wife, Margit.

3. What's your best piece of advice for aspiring entrepreneurs?
Learn from somebody who's been there, find a trustable mentor, and thoroughly know basic business math.

4. What 3 things have kept you successful throughout your career?
Putting needs before wants, understanding how banks work, and attending the annual Pizza Expo where I constant learn from seminars and my peers.

5. What's been the biggest obstacle to overcome?
The panic of sometimes just making enough to cover your bills.

6. Describe Amadio's pizza:
Handmade, stone baked pizza  by a family that cares about what you're eating and the community.

7. What's been the most important lesson you've learned?
Never trust a landlord and always have every aspect in writing.
Be very cautious of cold calling sales people.

8. What sets you apart from competitors?
We stand behind our product.  If it isn't right, we'll make it right including a 100% money back guarantee.

9. Is there anything you would change on your journey?
Initially, I had a partner for two weeks. He quickly left as he didn’t know as much about the industry as he indicated.

11. What is the importance of giving back to the community?
It allows you to become part of the community you serve. Every business should be active within their community.

12. What's the most popular pizza you've made over the past 30 years?
The deluxe pepperoni, salami, mushroom, green pepper, onion and bacon.