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Malton BIA Signs Contract for Avro Arrow Fabrication

Malton BIA Chair Sam Kohli and the Malton BIA Executives are proud to announce signing a contract with Stainless Outfitters of Barrie to manufacture and install a full scale AVRO Arrow in the Flight Garden on Derry Road East and Goreway Drive, in the Village of Malton.

Twenty-five corporations and private donors, such as The Hazel McCallion Foundation, have come together to build this monument to Canada’s significant Aerospace Industry, the fifth largest in the world

Victory Aircraft founded the industry during World War 2, when farmers and shopkeepers shipped one Lancaster Bomber to England every 24 hours. Post war, Canada went on to be on the cutting edge of the new jet age with a powerful, sleek supersonic delta-wing produced by A.V.Roe. The Arrow made its debut in the tiny Village of Malton in 1957. Heralded as ‘the biggest, most powerful, fastest fighter in the world’ it’s technology still ranks sixth today.

The full scale Arrow will take more than two years to build. It will then be assembled on site, mounted on a 7 metre arm and lifted onto a podium and foundation donated by Fram Building Group. There it will serve as a major attraction for local residents and visitors to Mississauga - an open air classroom with permanent story boards and ample seating for quiet contemplation of an incredible moment in Canada’s aviation history.