Modern Mississauga Media

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Mississauga Arts Council wins a $25,000 grant from the TD Bank Group

“We were thrilled that our revised, COVID-19 influenced grant application to TD Ready Commitment was successful,” says Mike Douglas, Executive Director of the Mississauga Arts Council, “this $25,000 will employ filmmakers as mentors and editors, it will provide professional development workshops for all things digital and will provide the launch money to get started on building the online virtual marketplace, for all things artistic in Mississauga.”

Here’s what this means specifically. MAC has created a Community Arts Development Program with TD that is changing and adapting this year to support the new online demands that artists need to master.
$7,500 will go to the TD Media Makers program, hiring local filmmakers and editors to teach and mentor students in the Peel District Public School Board through the making of their first videos. The winter/spring schedule is being worked out with the Board and will feature a festival-like screening of the completed videos.
$7,500 is earmarked for TD Culture Lab, Professional Development online workshops for professional artists to guide them in ramping up their digital competencies in photography, lighting, video making, home recording, digital marketing, social media and streaming. Timely training and MAC welcomes referrals to talented instructors in all of these skills.
TD came through with $10,000 to begin developing a new Online ARTS Hub a virtual marketplace. MAC is developing an Online Community ARTS Hub, a virtual gathering place for people seeking to purchase artworks, connect with artists and learn what’s going on locally in events like festivals, or classes and clubs. It will become a gathering place for the public to enjoy art performances, creative experiences and products of all kinds, engaged in a new channel, conveniently connected in one place, better enabling artists to connect.