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Mississauga's Crane Creations Theatre Company presents international hit play "Terror"

International hit play, Terror, will enjoy its Canadian Premier after being performed across the globe via Mississauga’s Crane Creations Theatre Company.

Written by best-selling German author, Ferdinand von Schirach, it has quickly become a global phenomenon, being produced in over 25 countries. To date, more than half a million audience members around the globe have seen Terror.

Crane Creations Theatre Company thrilled to announce this play will be presented to Canadian audiences for the very first time from November 26th - December12th 2021 at Mississauga’s Clarke Hall and online.

Terror is an interactive courtroom drama, where the end of the play changes each night depending on the audiences verdict. Fighter pilot, Lars Koch is on trial for murder after shooting down a hijacked commercial flight with 164 passengers aboard. Is he a national hero, or a cold-blooded killer?

At the end of the show, you, the audience, will decide on Lars Koch fate: guilty, or not guilty.

To experience Terror, visit their website by clicking here.