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9 Herbal Teas to Keep You Warm During Winter

Winter has arrived and doesn't look like it plans on leaving anytime soon. Which means we don't want to leave our cozy blanket for work or social life. We want to stay bundled up in a burrito hoping everything is delivered to us. However, there's a perfect solution to this problem. 

A warm cup of tea will light a fire inside you, and you'll be free to do as you please. Not only will tea warm you up, but it'll also help in driving the winter sleep away, which is embedded in us for a good 3-4 months. All you need is 1-2 strong cups of good tea. 

You can also have brandy or hot chocolate as alternatives, but are they really healthy? Keeping warm as well as healthy is a must. Here's a list of delicious tea blends that'll keep you warm and healthy at the same time. 

Peppermint Tea 

If your stomach hurts or you’re suffering from nausea, peppermint tea can be very helpful. During the winter season, there are two extremes that people go to - either they feel very hungry or they lose their appetite. 

Stomach problems stem from both extremes. And this is where peppermint tea steps in to save the day. Not only does it keep you warm, it also helps your digestive system with issues such as bloating, indigestion and gas. 

Furthermore, similar to mint tea, peppermint tea also provides relief for allergies and coughs. This is because Menthol, the main ingredient in peppermint leaves, is famously known as an effective decongestant. 

Ginger Tea 

This is the best kind of tea when you're feeling under the weather, usually during the winter season. The perfect way to make it is by cutting a few thin slices of ginger and boiling it for a good 15-20 minutes. But nowadays, to make your life easier, there are many options of ginger tea bags you can invest in. 

If you want to add a slight flavor to the tea, you can squeeze a lemon or mix in a teaspoon of organic honey. Both are equally healthy options and can improve the taste since not everyone likes ginger.

Turmeric with a dash of black pepper

Known for its magical healing properties, turmeric with black pepper is one of the best winter drinks to keep one warm. Apart from staying warm the whole day once you have this tea, you can also enjoy additional benefits such as pain relief and anti-inflammation. 

You can add a few drops of lemon or honey, even with turmeric, to help it taste better. But it's always better to have it in its pure form, so the healing properties are effective. Turmeric contains curcumin, an ingredient that heals wounds as it directly affects the tissue. 

Masala Chai 

Ever had spicy food and felt like you're burning inside? Spice has that effect. And this is why spicy or masala Chai is a favorite among many. The burning effect warms your body and keeps you cozy in the cold winter air. Originating from India, it has the perfect mixture of cinnamon, cardamom, and cloves. 

For most, this flavor is an acquired taste. So don't go investing in a whole box before you have developed a taste for it. It may not suit you in the morning, so make sure to have it on a full stomach or during the evening. 

Jasmine Tea 

Jasmine tea is one of the sweetest smelling teas ever. It originated from China and has made its way all over the world as a favorite tea staple. Full of antioxidants, jasmine offers plenty of health benefits.

Not only does Jasmine tea keep one warm, but it's also beneficial for brain function. Jasmine contains a dose of caffeine, which helps stimulate the brain, resulting in a boost of energy and alertness. 

Vanilla Chai Latte 

A mixture of cinnamon, ginger, and some spices, this tea is a universal favorite. Throw in some vanilla and hot milk, and you have the perfect brew for a winter drink. The vanilla you add can either be in a liquid form or powder - both taste great! 

Most teas are easy to make, but this one might take a little more of your time as you will want to steam your milk separately and add the right amount of spices accordingly. You can add your favorite milk such as coconut or almond depending on your taste. 

Sage Tea 

Very few people are aware of the benefits of sage; whether it’s used in cooking or added in tea. It’s extremely good for digestion, as well as for calming the nerves. This is exactly what’s needed during winters when your nerves are jittery from the cold.

Originating from Turkey, it’s well known in that part of the world for cold and irritation in the throat. If you’re looking for a new flavor to keep you cozy during the day, turn to sage tea. It also offers other medicinal benefits, such as regulating blood sugar, promoting oral health, boosting heart health, and improving your mood. 

Earl Grey

We all know about the famous Earl Grey, the go-to tea flavor in the United Kingdom. It's well known to keep a cold at bay as well as an effective relaxer, making it one of the best drinks to have during winter. 

This flavor can be found in many parts of the world, but if you're looking for the original taste, make sure the company is from the UK. Then you can enjoy the tea along with its benefits, such as protecting your heart from cholesterol problems and boosting immunity. 

Chamomile Tea 

A herb known for helping you sleep better, Chamomile is also a good comfort during the winter season. It acts as a pain reliever as well as easing stress. 

During the winter season, pain and inflammation increase as well, especially for the older generation. This is the best time to have Chamomile tea as it also contains anti-inflammation properties. 

Final Thoughts 

Once in a while, you can rely on coffee, hot chocolate, or alcohol to keep you warm, but tea is safer and healthier to have daily. And the best part about tea are the hundreds of different flavors which you can have. If you're bored from having Earl Grey constantly, you can move on to Jasmine tea and then so on. 

Once you've found your comfort winter flavor of tea, you can always make the mixture more interesting by adding honey or lemon. Some even prefer brown sugar and extra spices. With this list, you're bound to find a flavor you enjoy!