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Modern Artist Profile: Keely Valentine

In conversation with Mississauga artist Keely Valentine.

What inspired you to delve into music?
I just knew it was what I had to do from a very young age. One of my oldest memories was looking at Britney on stage and thinking I had to find a way to perform. Watching Josie and the Pussycats was an eye opening moment for me. Seeing these awesome women with guitars, writing their own music and taking charge of their careers was life changing. It helped that the soundtrack was amazing.

You blend various styles of music together - what led you to do this and how has this style helped evolve you as an artist?
grew up listening to pop artists drastically reinventing their sounds. No Doubt’s Rock Steady album has influenced me from a really young age. It’s an effortless mix of electropop and dancehall. Since I’ve started seriously writing, the artists around me have become my biggest inspiration. There is such an incredible amount of talent in Ontario. It’s amazing being in a room and getting to feed off the energy of another artist. I’m still finding my sound but I try to use that in a positive way. Instead of feeling stuck when I can’t find a specific producer, I just try to make whatever is available to me beat-wise my own.

Why did you gravitate towards full-time streaming on Twitch and how has the experience been?
Twitch has been mostly amazing! I was starting to transition to being a full time DJ right before Covid. I miss the energy of a gig but so much of the job is hoping you’ll actually get paid. You have very little control in abusive situations. Twitch really helped me take back control of my life. I can’t believe how supportive people can be of the arts online when they connect with you. I’m also not limited to music; I mix my love of Cosplay and gaming in. The only downside has been Digital Millennium Copyright Act issues have made it more difficult to incorporate music I love into my streams. 

What are you most proud of in your career?
I’ve been dealing with an undiagnosed illness since I was a kid. It’s gotten in the way of so many huge opportunities for me, I had no idea what I was going through or if my pain was real. I recently was diagnosed with Hyper-mobility, which explains the pain and a ton of other issues. In a way, it’s been a huge relief to know I’m not crazy. 

I always felt like I wasn’t good enough. I feel sad knowing I could have done so much more in life if a doctor had realized what was going on. Some treatments have helped, focusing on how to manage things differently is important. I’m proud of myself for never actually quitting what I love. 

Now that I finally understand how to take care of myself, I’m hoping I can grow into the artist I’ve always wanted to be.

What's your message to aspiring artists?
You’re stronger when you’re open to new things. Don’t trust people who talk too much.

What's your message of positivity for the world?
Be Kind.