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Modern Artist: Chris Baillie 

In conversation with Mississauga artist Chris Baillie 

1. How long have you been a songwriter for?
I’ve been writing songs since I was 16. I started off writing cheesy rock songs with school bands but I’ve been writing more seriously in the last few years. I try to write a little bit everyday and co write/learn with as many people as I can.

2. An impactful moment in your musical career was seeing a video of Zakk Wylde playing Crazy Train. What specifically was it about that moment that captivated you?

Ah man, haha! I remember watching a video of Ozzy live at Budokan at 16.
Just seeing him in front of the wall of Marshall amps and letting that solo rip! I had no idea anyone could make a guitar sing like that; he just seemed larger that life on that stage. To this day I’ll watch clips from that show and still get goosebumps. Zakk Wylde is still a huge influence on me.

3. Do you write lyrics or music first?
That seems to be an ever changing thing with me as you never know where inspiration is going to hit. I always have a huge list of potential song titles on my phone and it comes in handy especially if I’m going into a co-write.
Recently I’ve found myself coming up with melody ideas and matching its vibe to a chord progression. Once i have the framework, I usually try and work on the chorus, find the hook, then work on the verses once I know what the chorus is going to say.

4. What motivated you to start a solo career after years in a band setting?
It’s something that’s always been in the back of my mind. I received encouragement from someone who’s been in the industry for 30+ years who said I should consider trying to do the solo artist thing. That’s what I used that as motivation.
You have to push yourself out of your comfort zone to grow as a musician.

5. Let's talk about your new single, One More Minute; how was the song written and who/what is the inspiration for it?
My producer, Mark Schroor, pitched the song to me a year ago.The first time I heard the demo, I was floored. I knew right away that this song would be relatable to almost everyone.
It’s a song that takes you on a walk through life and hits on major emotions almost everyone goes through: love and loss.
It makes you think of those moments, whether it’s with your significant other, family or friends, that you wish you could just spend one more minute in.

6. How have you kept musically active during the pandemic?
Everyone is trying to do their best to try and keep the ball rolling through the pandemic. Without having the privilege of playing live, being able to use social media platforms has become even more crucial. 
One of my favourite things that has come out of this is all the co-writing and having virtual writing sessions with people from all over the country and world, all from my living room.

7. What do you realistically feel you'll accomplish over the next year?
I hope to be able to get back out and play as I really miss the feeling of being on stage. I hope to release more music and keep pushing One More Minute to as many listeners as possible.

8. What motivates you?
I’ve always been a self-motivated person but I’d be lying if i told you that I don’t get fired up seeing the things that some of my favourite artists are doing. 
This motivates me to keep my head down, keep working hard at my craft and seeing how far I can ultimately take it.

9. Is there anything you'd change in your musical journey so far?
To be honest, not really. There was a period of a few years where music took a bit of back seat in my life. In hindsight, I wish I didn’t push it away as much as I did.
That being said, so many amazing things happened in that period that I wouldn’t change for the world!