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Ontario goes back into Step 2 as of Wednesday, January 5th to combat colossal Covid spikes

To quote the Backstreet Boys: “Oh my God we're back again.”

Ontario is going back into Step 2 of reopening plan, also known as a lockdown of sorts.
Given the absurdity of just how late this announcement came and the fractional time that businesses and educators have to react, this is a blatant middle finger to Ontario.

Step Two measures which will be implemented on Wednesday, January 5th include the closure of indoor dining, gyms, theatres, limiting indoor social gatherings to 5 people and outdoor gatherings to 10, and 50 per cent capacity limit for weddings, funerals, religious services and retail settings.

Capacity limits for personal care services, including hair and nail salons, are cut to 50 per cent.

Closures include: indoor concert venues, theatres, cinemas, museums, galleries and zoos.
Outdoor settings will be allowed to stay open with restrictions and limited to 50 per cent capacity.

The Chief Medical Officer of Health will reinstate Directive 2 for hospitals and regulated health professionals, instructing hospitals to pause all non-emergent and non-urgent surgeries and procedures to "preserve critical care and human resource capacity."