Modern Mississauga Media

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Modern Mississauga Media's 8 most-read articles in 2022

Throughout 2022, we published hundreds of articles covering everything from travel, lifestyle, local, food and drink and much more.
Here are the 8 most-read articles:

8. Behind the curtain with Illumi Mississauga's mastermind, Normand Latourelle

Illumi Mississauga has been an astonishing success since opening in September.
Normand Latourelle is a creative visionary in a constant quest for innovation, a pioneer of Cirque du Soleil and has his name proudly associated with dozens of achievements and projects over a 40+ year career.
Here’s our exclusive interview with him.

7. In conversation with Deryn Rizzi, Mississauga's fantastic Fire Chief

Modern Mississauga Media connects with Mississauga's Fire Chief & Director of Emergency Management, Deryn Rizzi, as she shares her remarkable journey, the value of teamwork, the importance of diversity & inclusion, and how she recharges and smartly leads a team of nearly 1,000 people.

6. 15 Fun Facts About Canadian Thanksgiving

Canada’s a wonderful country and from coast to coast, we’ve got some interesting aspects on how we celebrate Thanksgiving.

5. Modern Travel - The Best Road I've Never Driven On

I’m happy this landed in the top 8 as it was one of my favourite articles I wrote this year.
”There was no anxiety of being a passenger, no “fear of missing out” feelings; no feeling of being pushed aside.  For the first time in 340 months of being a driver, I embraced being an observer.For the thousands of Canadian roads I’ve driven on coast to coast, from the $10,000 cars to the $250,000 cars, the Fundy Trail Parkway is now one of the top five roads I’ve ever been on.”

4. You can finally view your water bill online in Mississauga

The Region of Peel finally opened the faucet of modern technology regarding water bills.
Formerly the last household bill to be paper-only,  the new (well, new to them) e-billing service allows Mississauga/Peel residents and businesses to receive and pay their water bill online.

3. The reintegration situation

“It’s been a mentally draining two years for many of us. With change on the horizon, reintegrating into a socially active world looks different to everyone.”
The reintegration situation is still in motion and the year ahead will be interesting as we continue understanding what the new modern world looks and feels like.

2. Part 1 - Early Lakeview area road names in Mississauga

First up; a huge shout-out to Heritage Mississauga for providing wonderful weekly words that share the history of our city!
In the 52 articles they’ve written this year, this one resonated the most with you.
If you’re interested in the history of Mississauga, this link has a collection of everything Matthew Wilkinson has written for us over the past few years in chronological order.

1. 8 Great Volunteer Opportunities in Mississauga

“Mississauga is made up of many successful organizations and charities that are often in need of volunteers to help them make a positive impact. Not to say they can't do it on their own, however they can get more accomplished with the help of people like you.”
Here’s our most-read article on how to give back to our community.