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Modern Entrepreneur: Tania Kolar

Tania Kolar is a successful mindset and business coach, best selling author of Breaking The Stupid Mold, and host of The Mindset Mentor on Sauga90AM. Her recent battle with breast cancer challenged everything she has been teaching others and put her years of knowledge and research into practice. 

Praveen Amirtharaj: What is the Mindset Mentor show all about? 

Tania Kolar: The Mindset Mentor radio show is about helping people condition their mindset for greater success in all areas of life. It's about real people, great stories, powerful stories of people rising above adversity. It's helping the listeners find another way of looking at things, having a new perspective, and opening their mindset to the limitless possibilities available to everyone.

PA: What kind of person is listening to the Mindset Mentor? 

TK: Anyone who is looking to improve life and who wants more for themselves. It's human nature to want more, but our limiting mindset often makes us believe that we can't have (more). 

 I'm so excited to be able to reach so many different people from all walks of life because often, people feel that success is for someone else. I'm here to tell everyone that success is for you, and I want to encourage and inspire people to reach their full potential. 

PA: What has your recent medical journey taught you about yourself?

TK: Many things have come to light through being diagnosed with breast cancer and going through the treatment process -chemotherapy treatments and two surgeries. One of the things that it has taught me is that life doesn't have to be perfect for you to be happy. It's really key because so many people look for external things to be right before they can be okay. I decided early on when I was diagnosed with breast cancer that I was going to be the happiest person with cancer. I know that there is something beautiful here within this, and I have to be okay with whatever happens, so I stayed very present in the moment. Ultimately, it's a gift because I believe that our greatest challenges are our greatest blessings.

 For me, the gift is knowing that I have the ability to help other people who are also going through a similar challenge. We have everything we need within us. It's a matter of rising above limited thinking and not getting trapped in terms of the negativity because it's really easy to get stuck in that kind of mindset. 

PA: What's been tougher to overcome- the physical or the mental?

TK: That's a really great question, and quite honestly, the physical aspects were harder to overcome. I have spent a lot of time conditioning my mindset, like literally decades. I'm used to being a very busy person like many people, and I think I got caught up with being super busy all the time, and then the universe presented a situation where I was forced to slow down; my body wasn't keeping up. My cognitive function wasn't there, and I experienced a lot of fatigue. I couldn't think clearly, was completely sleep-deprived, and you just can't operate the same when you're going through all of that. That was a bit of a challenge, and I had to allow myself time to rest and unwind. Sometimes you just have to recognize that you need to heal. 

PA: Have you found that your priorities have changed, or have you just picked up where you left off? 

TK: I would say that my priorities have not changed, but I think that it's important to recognize my true core values. At the end of the day, my soul has remained unchanged. I still am who I am. Essentially, it is picking up where I left off but in a more meaningful and profound sense. Life is in perpetual motion. It's solidified everything that I believed and everything that I teach as a mindset and business coach; inspiring and helping people live their best lives and shift their mindsets forced me to put everything into practice. It was gratifying to see that because it can be done, and I'm not special, so If I can do it, anyone can do it.

PA: What does the Peel community mean to you?

TK: Peel has meant a lot to me throughout the many years I've spent in Peel. I have met so many incredible people who have become friends through the community. I believe community is all about developing love, connection, and unity. It's really about contributing. Community allows you to contribute and give back. It also allows you to get one of the basic human needs met: the need for significance. We want to feel love and connection, and that comes through community. We can achieve so much greater collectively as a unit versus by ourselves. If you think about it, when good things happen, you want to share that with the people around you, which means your community. 

The Mindset Mentor can be heard every Thursday @ 3p on Sauga960AM.  To learn more about Tania, please visit