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2022 Mississauga Election Profiles - Ward 10 Incumbent Sue McFadden

Leading up to the 2022 Mississauga elections, Modern Mississauga Media reached out to all incumbents and candidates via email with the same set of questions to help our community learn more about them leading up to the Monday, October 24, 2022 election.
For full information on how and when to vote, click here.

1. What ward are you running in and why are you running for Mississauga City Council?
Ward 10 I am running on my proven track record of strong, trustworthy leadership serving our community. We've done some great things over the past 16 years, and there's still more work to do.

2. What makes you stand out over other candidates?
My extensive experience delivering proven results is something no one else can claim to offer. People know me and trust me to work hard for them.

3. What are your top 3 campaign priorities?
I am focused on public safety (crime prevention and road safety), appropriate mixed-use development, and ensuring good value for the programs and services our residents want and need.

4. If you could change one thing about Mississauga's zoning laws, what would it be?
Our Council has made significant progress on inclusionary zoning to require affordable housing in new development. Still some work to do, but we're getting there.

5. How do you plan to actively involve and include residents in decisions?
Throughout my years as Councillor, I have consistently invited input, feedback, questions and comments from the public on topics that matter to them. Through town hall meetings, charrettes, online surveys and more, I am always willing to hear from and advocate for my community.

6. What budget item is the most important to your ward?
Parks (phase 2 of Mattamy Sports Park); T&W (traffic calming); Police

7. What are three of your favourite aspects of Mississauga?
We have a beautifully diverse population where we can live together and learn from one another. Our parks and trails throughout the city are first class. Our size and location - we have big city amenities and space to breathe and grow.

8. How will you be supporting our local businesses if reelected?
Encouraging all residents to buy local. In the past term, Council supported business through the Made In Mississauga initiative and changing bylaws to enlarge patios, for example. I will support similar opportunities in the future.

9. What does Mississauga currently excel at?
Attracting major business and high paying jobs.

10. How would you communicate with residents and what communication standards can voters expect?
Generally, I will continue to use my monthly eNewsletter, social media and website to provide valuable information and invite public feedback on ward and city initiatives. For specific ward projects, I will supplement with road signage and mail outs. I typically respond to inquiries within 24 hours.

11. Please provide your campaign website.