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Traders optimistic about an exciting 2023 market situation

After a mostly down year for financial markets around the world and in the US, 2023 could pose exciting prospects for investors who are eager to see a bottom in equities and other asset classes. But not all news from last year was bad, and those who follow the fate of the US dollar, healthcare stocks, and precious metals are looking to the next 12 months as a time of unprecedented potential growth. It's difficult to make targeted predictions after a period of volatility, but millions of first-time and seasoned investors are gearing up for a fresh round of trading as economic and political forces play out. 

What's the wisest way to proceed? Step one should focus on checking the year-end situation with stocks, forex, and other sectors. Then, review the opportunities that are opening for individuals who want to get started with online trading. Before exploring the possibilities for the new year, be sure to research the top brokerage firms, learn about the best trading platforms, and gather information about your preferred assets, whether they're stocks, precious metals, or anything else. Consider the following pertinent details everyone should know before delving into the securities and other financial markets.

Anyone Can Get Involved Via Online Trading
It's essential to identify an online brokerage firm that offers all the tools necessary for beginners who want to join trading action in any asset class. In fact, in the 2020s, it's easier than ever to open an account and navigate the various markets as conditions change. Fortunately, all the world's top brokers now offer quick account setups from any connected device. 

But for those who want to get into the action with the best available tools, it's imperative to select a company that offers a full-featured online trading platform that can handle fast order placement. Brokerage firms usually give account holders the option of several platforms, some of which can be downloaded directly from the website. Plus, for casual trading enthusiasts, it's usually possible to place orders through a web-based platform as well.

Year-End Market Update
Equity, Debt, Forex, Commodity, and other markets set various records, both good and bad, during 2022. In general, the lingering economic effects of the 2020 COVID pandemic, along with worsening inflation, drove stock and bond markets downward. Stocks have been in a freefall since the final months of 2021, while debt securities like Treasuries have done just the opposite. 

During the past 12 months, forex markets have been active as the US dollar had a great run, but it began slipping during the last months of 2022. The two most-watched commodities, gold and oil, suffered similar fates during the past year. Each initially rose, then fell even further, only to end the year on an upward rebound. Anyone looking to jump into the financial marketplace needs to study charts from at least the past two years of their favorite instrument's price action.

Follow the Three-Part System
No matter how much experience a person has in financial matters, there are three pieces to the success puzzle with online trades. The first is to hook up with not just the right firm but one that caters to your needs. It pays to spend time and put in some serious effort screening potential brokers. Secondly, make sure to test multiple platforms. They all have unique strengths and weaknesses. 

A few are specially designed for forex devotees, while others are more geared toward corporate stocks. The third part of the system is acquiring detailed knowledge of the markets you intend to follow. Don't cast too broad a net. Instead, consider specializing, doing plenty of research, and taking advantage of your broker's education materials. The top firms offer informative blogs, webinars on trade-related topics, and discussion forums in which people can ask questions about common challenges and scenarios.

What Does 2023 Hold?
No one can be certain about how corporate stocks, precious metals, oil, options, foreign currency, cryptocurrencies, or government debt-based instruments will perform after a turbulent 2022. However, it is possible to make a few educated guesses about the general health of the national and global economy based on recent events and last year's price action. 

Perhaps the most significant item for market-watchers is inflation, which began falling in the latter months of last year and could continue dropping to around the 3% level. 

Oil and gold have already begun to recover from large falloffs. Both are well-positioned to rise considerably during the first two quarters of 2023. The stock market is not so lucky, as the major indices continue posting new lows with each passing week. Look for the S&P 500 to cross below the $3,500 mark by mid-2023.