2024 Mississauga Mayoral Candidate Profile - Xiaohua Gong

With the upcoming 2024 Mayoral By-election happening on June 10th, Modern Mississauga Media has reached out to all candidates inviting them to answer the same questions so voters can become more familiar with them.
Invitations went out to all candidates on Friday, May 3rd.

Click here to read all of the Mississauga Mayoral candidate profiles and check back often as responses will be posted within 72 hours of receipt.

Candidate answers are unedited and their contact information is at the bottom if you’d like to connect with them.
Click here to learn how to vote in the Mayoral election.

1. Why are you running for Mayor?
Mississauga is currently confronting various challenges, and it's imperative that our mayor possesses a deep understanding of governance. With my experience overseeing a company with 800 employees and my expertise in international trade, I believe I have the necessary skills to tackle these issues effectively.

2. What makes you stand out over other candidates?
No answer provided.

3. What are your campaign priorities?
No answer provided.

4. What budget item is the most important as Mayor?
Our budgetary focus will prioritize addressing transportation challenges by implementing initiatives such as free bus rides, as well as emphasizing the construction of affordable housing to address the housing crisis.

5. What are your favourite aspects of Mississauga?
Mississauga's advantageous geographical location, complemented by its aviation airport and the presence of numerous Fortune 500 companies, positions it as a key hub for innovation and technology talent within Ontario.

6. How will you be supporting our local businesses if elected?
No answer provided.

7. What does Mississauga currently excel at?
No answer provided

8. How would you communicate with residents and what communication standards can voters expect?
No answer provided.

The candidate wrote this at the end of his submitted answers:

The primary concerns voiced by Mississauga voters revolve around affordability, tax reduction, and housing. Furthermore, there is a pressing need to attract high-tech enterprises to bolster job opportunities in the region. If elected as mayor, I am committed to promptly reducing property taxes by 1-3%. Throughout my tenure, I will oversee the construction of 50,000 units of affordable housing and facilities for the elderly, ensuring that residents have access to suitable living accommodations. Additionally, I will spearhead the establishment of an Airport Economic Ecological Park to stimulate employment growth, foster the development of the e-commerce sector, and create job opportunities for young people through initiatives in artificial intelligence.
