New Waste Collection Schedule for Peel
/by Jay Kana
Images of new recycling, organic and garbage bins via the Region of Peel
Change isn't easy...just ask any man. Ok, ok, we're kidding!
But this change is relatively easy and the Region of Peel has made it easy to understand.
Previously, Peel had weekly collections of garbage, recycling, and green bins (organic waste).
Effective Monday, January 4th, 2016, here are the changes, based on a two-week schedule:
Week 1: Garbage and Organics
Week 2: Recycling and Organics
Here's a quick link to find out your schedule, simply done by entering your address:
Since the garbage pickup will be done bi-weekly, the previous 2 bag limit will be doubled to 4 bags.
By now, everyone should've received their new, wheeled organics, garbage and recycling bins that come in different sizes.
In April 2016, after using the bins for three months, there will be a 30 day period where you can exchange the size of your bins if they're too small/big for your needs.
After April, there will be a $25 charge for the change.
Why is this change happening, you ask? The Region of Peel lays it out like this:
- It's a cost saving measure (everyone can appreciate that)
- It reduces the amount of waste sent to the landfill
- It reduces greenhouse gas emissions as fewer collection vehicles will be on the road
- Fewer worker injuries
- Cleaner-looking streetscapes with less wind-blown litter
- Carts are easier to wheel to the curb (the certainly are!)
- Carts are pest-resistant
There are some particulars involved, such as where to place the bins, how far apart, what time you can put it out, etc.
All of that can be found here:
If you're looking for more information, head to where they have a full suite of answers for you.
Change is good. Especially with all the benefits this change brings to beautiful Mississauga.