Modern Mississauga presents Fire Tip Friday - Adjusting your escape plan based on your abilities

Modern Mississauga and the Mississauga Fire and Emergency Services have come together to present an ongoing series called “Fire Tip Friday” where we'll share tips on how to prevent fires in and around your home.
Today’s tip is on making sure your BBQ is safe to use.

When your kids were young, you probably sat them down and went over your fire home escape plan. On weekends, you may have woke the little ones up early with a mock fire drill to ensure they remembered all the steps of the plan during a stressful situation.

How long has it been since you updated your fire escape plan? Maybe the kids are off at university or have young families of their own. Your life has changed but has your escape plan?

You need to plan your escape based around your abilities.Tthose have changed in recent years, your plan needs to be adjusted as well.

Did You Know

Ontario older adults in the 65 plus age group are at a higher risk of dying by fire than any other age group.

The most common causes of fire-related injuries to this group include carelessness with both smoking and cooking. These common errors are simple to avoid by being increasingly vigilant at home. By only smoking outside and wearing tight-fitting clothing while cooking, these unsafe fire scenarios can be easily avoided.

Because people are living and typically staying in their homes longer, it’s essential that you place fire safety at the top of your priority list.

What if, for example, a fire starts while you’re sleeping? Are you physically able to move quickly to an unobstructed exit? Does anyone in your home need additional assistance?

During an active fire isn’t the time to think about these questions and make a plan. There’s no time to spare. Maximize your chances of survival by planning and practicing your home fire escape plan.

Fire Escape Checklist

·         Have a friend or relative test your smoke alarm while you are asleep to ensure you can hear it.

·         Make sure everyone knows two ways off of every floor in your home.

·         Check that all exits are unobstructed and easy to use.

·         If caught in smoke, get low and go under the smoke to the nearest safe exit.

·         Choose a meeting place outside, such as a tree or a lamp post.

·         Call 911 from outside the home.

·         Once out, stay out. Never re-enter a burning building.

·         If you have a disability, develop an escape plan with your household that takes into account your unique needs.

·         Practice your home fire escape plan.

·         If you live in an apartment building make sure you tell the superintendent or landlord if you need assistance to escape.

·         Make sure your name is added to the persons who require assistance list in the fire safety plan, so the fire department knows which apartment you are in.

If you have any questions about fire safety, please contact Mississauga’s Fire Prevention Office at 905-896-5908 or and follow us on Twitter @MississaugaFES.