Modern Mississauga presents Ask The City - Does the City of Mississauga pick up leaves?

Modern Mississauga and the City of Mississauga have come together to present an ongoing series called “Ask the City.” We’ll share relevant information here and answer your questions about our city.

Today’s question is about leaf pick up.

Does the City of Mississauga pick up leaves?

The Region of Peel collects leaves and yard waste in Mississauga. They will collect leaves and yard waste weekly until Friday, December 13, 2019 on your scheduled collection day. Check your collection calendar to find your day.

 Leaves must be placed on the curb in paper bags or reusable containers. They must be in good condition and weigh less than 44 pounds when full. You can place it in:

·         Sturdy brown paper bags

·         Bushel baskets

·         Rigid plastic containers that are labelled as ‘yard waste’

Learn more about fall leaf pickup.

 If you’ve got a question about the City, we want to hear from you!
Please send your questions to with “Ask the City” in the subject line.