Celebrate Christmas with the talented Mississauga Symphony Orchestra
/Join the Mississauga Symphony Orchestra (MSO) this holiday season and enjoy the sights and sounds of Christmas! From traditional oratorios to audience sing-a-longs, the orchestra presents concerts for all musical tastes.
Photo via Black Umbrella Photography
On December 14, the MSO continues a Christmas tradition with a production of Highlights from Messiah. Now in its sixth year, this traditional concert will feature popular works from Handel’s masterwork oratorio. The brilliant voices of the Mississauga Festival Chamber Choir join the orchestra in selections which include the uplifting and iconic Hallelujah Chorus. Our fantastic roster of soloists will include: Angela Yoo, soprano; Lillian Brooks, mezzo-soprano; Zachary Rioux, tenor, and Christopher Dunham, baritone. Regular ticket prices start at $40.
On December 15, our wildly popular, family-oriented Christmas concert returns to stir the holiday spirit in everyone. A Merry Little Christmas will bring together the MSO, MSYO, and special guests, the Mississauga Children’s Choir. Jingle your bells and sing-a-long as a combined orchestra of over 250 musicians perform your holiday favourites! Make sure to peruse the MSO Christmas market that will feature items created by our very own musicians, and visit the Long & McQuade instrument petting zoo to try your hand at your favourite music maker. Regular ticket prices start at $30.
About the Mississauga Symphony Orchestra
The MSO is designated as one of Mississauga’s six pillars of arts, culture and heritage. The orchestra offers entertaining and increasingly sophisticated programs from the classic and popular repertoires of symphonic music, all performed to the highest artistic standards. Based out of Hammerson Hall, a world-class theatre located within the Living Arts Centre, the MSO provides performance opportunities and personal development to talented amateurs while combining the strands of excellence and education by assisting young professional performers and composers through solo performance opportunities, commissions and mentoring.