Learn About CBD Oil Pet Products

Pets are gaining benefits from CBD oil products in areas of inflammation, management of pain, sleep, seizures, anxiety, hyperactivity, appetite management, and issues unique to the individual species. 

As products increasingly grow in popularity for this population, manufacturers are creating new forms to reach animals of all species rather than merely domestic, companion pets like cats and dogs to include birds, horses, even livestock and the exotic. Click for details on CBD and its safety.


Cannabidiol And Tetrahydrocannabinol

Cannabidiol is the scientific name for CBD found in the cannabis plant along with nearly a hundred other chemical compounds known as cannabinoids, including tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. 
These interact with receptors, CB1 and CB2, comprised within the endocannabinoid system or ECS throughout the brain and body, responsible for regulating essential body processes such as mood, energy, appetite, pain, inflammation, and skin health. CBD’s function with the ECS and its receptors is to boost these processes to help them function optimally.

The system works the same in all mammals regardless of species because each has the same ECS. That allows the presumption that CBD will work comparatively throughout species for health functionality. Individual vet studies indicate the compound to be safe with initial findings. But it is vital to ensure that animals are given products that are THC-free.

With this particular site, you can buy product on this link that are free of THC. THC has shown to have low toxicity with the potential for fatality for animals at elevated levels and can potentially have adverse reactions for cats and dogs at any dose. CBD found to be THC-free, given in an appropriate amount, anecdotally and in vet tests, has shown to benefit these species with certain health ailments.

Forms Of CBD Safest For Your Cat Or Dog

Claims suggest that products with only cannabidiol, minus any level of tetrahydrocannabinol, are the best for animals. The potential for too great a dose of THC in an unregulated product or for adverse reactions from any level of THC, particularly in a domestic pet, is too great, with a full or broad-spectrum formula. 

Terpenes are another issue that poses a problem with full and broad-spectrum CBD noting the potential for limonene, tea tree, peppermint, and possibly more. These are common in plants such as marijuana and hemp but are harmful or toxic to cats and dogs even in small amounts.


Human Products For Companion Animals

Claims suggest it is okay to give animals human CBD oil. As mentioned, the substance needs to be free of THC and other ingredients. Otherwise, the compound is similar from line to line. If you choose to share products between yourself and your cats and dogs, you will need to follow directives such as:

·         The dosing for a cat or dog will be smaller than what the packaging for a human item will indicate. Fur babies are smaller, and their tolerance is much lower for the potency.

·         Suggestions indicate that you should stick with CBD isolate as opposed to full or broad-spectrum products with the possibility of terpenes or elevated THC levels.

·         Even though these substances are natural, it is crucial to always speak with the animal’s vet before beginning any new regimen, particularly if there’s an underlying issue. 

While the human line of products is not harmful for the pet population, there are lines for dogs, cats, horses, and other species specifically. Within those lines, there are dosing instructions for breeds and sizes accordingly to ensure the individual animal is getting the potency of CBD for optimum results.

If you’re going to use your products, a vet will be able to help you determine a dose that’s appropriate for your specific species, the individual animal, and its size. The vet will take into consideration underlying conditions and medications. The medical provider will also assist in leading you to quality brands to avoid the possibility of contaminated products.

Final Thought

Vet studies show that pets are benefiting from CBD properties with the potential for symptoms to be reduced for specific health conditions. The popularity of pet products is increasingly growing as pet parents report (anecdotal) successes with their furry friends. Read about the frenzy at https://pinpaws.com/the-hype-around-using-cbd-oil-with-pets/ .

Clinical trials aren't in the evidence phase just yet. These remain in the infancy stages. But they look promising even at this point.