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Take the Dryness Out Of Your Skin This Winter

Isn't it painfully annoying that you can't simply use the same skincare routine year-round? If you're one of the lucky ducks who live in a temperate climate, you have the luxury of using the same cleanser all year with no change to your routine. However, Mississauga locals know the importance constant hydration all too well. If you don’t take extra precautions in the winter to moisturize, you’ll see breakouts of winter acne and always be fighting a war against cracking skin.

Here are some practical tips on how to combat winter dry skin and winter acne.

Why Does Winter Acne Happen?

During warmer months, the heat makes us sweat more and there is less cold wind stripping away our natural oils, which keeps our skin nice and moisturized. During winter, the cold constricts our pores so fewer natural oils come out. Natural oils keep our skin hydrated, healthy, and fresh.

However, when the cold and dry winds of winter strip those away, dead skin cells are left on the surface. Our bodies tries to fight the dryness by producing excess sebum. That gets mixed with the dead, dry skin cells on the skin surface. This mixture builds up in your pores until we get winter acne.

How to Moisturize Your Skin This Winter?

Switch Cleansers

Many cleansers, especially cheaper ones from the local drug store, can strip the skin of its natural oils and lead to more acne.

In the summer months, it's not as big of a deal since the heat causes us to sweat and retain more of our natural oils.

If you notice your skin start to feel tight and flakey with the same cleanser, consider switching to a cream cleanser or a product that doesn't foam. Deep oil cleansers may be a good option as well.

Check out the ingredients as well. Salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide are common ingredients used to fight acne, but they can be very abrasive and dry out the skin. The Derm Detective recommends a gentler cleanser for cracking skin.

Get a Quality Moisturizer

If you’re committed to your current brand of cleanser and couldn’t possibly imagine straying (shout-out to the loyal ones), then your next step is to find a fantastic moisturizer.

We’re not asking you to disk out $2000 on a jar of La Mer; some simple Cetaphil or generic brand moisturizer will do. Make sure it’s light and dermatologist tested so it doesn’t clog your pores and end up causing rebound acne.

Set Up a Hydration Station

Your skin gathers hydration in many ways, one of which is through your body. We're made up of 70% water, and when you don't replenish that water, you become dehydrated, and your skin shows the results.

Drinking water helps flush out toxins in your body which reduces the risk of acne anyway. Another hydration trick is to use a portable humidifier on your nightstand while you sleep so your skin doesn't dry overnight.

Remember: Too Much of Anything is Bad

Washing your face will keep it nice and clean. However, over-washing your face can dry it out quite quickly, which can still lead to acne. Washing your face once before bed should suffice in removing the dirt and grime from the day.

The key here is moderation: not too dry, but not too hydrated; not too clean, but not too dirty. Find a decent cleanser that's gentle for the wintertime and add a moisturizer on top if you still feel like your skin is dry.

Don't wash your face more than once or twice a day, and make sure you're always drinking enough water!