Learn about Mississauga's Arts on The Credit's First Virtual Solo Show featuring Sjon de Groot

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Arts on the Credit, a not for profit arts organization in Mississauga is embracing the virtual and highlighting member artists each month in 2021, pivoting to ensure the ongoing promotion and showcasing of local talent. The organization has invested in cutting edge technology for the exhbitions; highly visual 3D programming that will delight art lovers and the community during these difficult times. The first solo exhbition opens on January 1st and will feature selected works from Sjon de Groot.

Says Sjon de Groot, “This is a Pandemic Exhibition; with the benefit of anyone anywhere in the world being able to attend, and the opportunity to show pieces that are normally too big to transport. Every country in the world is affected by this Pandemic, and sharing the same experience, we are one. Writers, artists, and musicians are stepping forward to offer their understanding of this time, the strength of the human spirit, human creativity, and our deep need to re-connect to nature. With this show, I hope to remind people of the beauty of our world, the smile of a child, what happens when we step out of our urban lives and notice small moments of joy and beauty. I believe that art and this will get us to the other side, wiser and looking at our world with new eyes.”

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Sjon de Groot principally works in oils, using a combination of traditional European and North American techniques. The work is bold and multi-dimensional, an expression in colour of a South African coming to terms with his adopted land; and combining his African and North American experience with the influence of his Dutch artist ancestors.  Defying genre, Sjon creates to his own agenda, using his art to express, question, and start conversations. 

Originally trained by Geoffrey & Michael Armstrong at the JHB School of Art in South Africa, he completed many commissions for businesses and private collectors there, before immigrating to Canada in 1997.  Now widely exhibited in Canada, his pieces have been purchased by many private and corporate buyers. https://sjondegroot.com/