Mississauga's diverse communities speak about COVID-19

Languages listed below: Hindi, Punjabi, Portuguese, Indonesian, Italian, Vietnamese, Croatian, Polish, Greek, Mandarin, Spanish, Malayalam.
There are also videos in English, French, Punjabi & Urdu on the importance of wearing gloves and masks.

If you would like to contribute, please email jay@modernmississauga.com
This page has been updated as of May 21st, 2020.

Our rich diversity means having these important conversations about how we can be together apart reflected in the sounds of our community.
This community service is done in partnership with the Malton BIA.
Malton is a diverse community. While working to have the supports for business owners translated it was obvious that their residents needed that connection as well. The videos are creating a way to connect with each other while we stay apart. That they reflect our residents, business owners and more is part of what makes our community so special. The Malton BIA is a part of a much larger community and we wanted to help us all stay safe, healthy and informed. 

Below, you’ll find videos in several different languages, spoken by members of our diverse community as to how we can fight against COVID-19.


A message in Hindi on how Mississauga can help fight COVID-19, so we can flatten the curve, be together apart and move forward as a community. For more infor...


A message in Hindi on how Mississauga can help fight COVID-19, so we can flatten the curve, be together apart and move forward as a community. For more infor...


A message in Portuguese on how Mississauga can help fight COVID-19, so we can flatten the curve, be together apart and move forward as a community. For more ...


A message in Indonesian on how Mississauga can help fight COVID-19, so we can flatten the curve, be together apart and move forward as a community. For more ...


A message in Indonesian on how Mississauga can help fight COVID-19, so we can flatten the curve, be together apart and move forward as a community. Spoken by...


A message in Vietnamese on how Mississauga can help fight COVID-19, so we can flatten the curve, be together apart and move forward as a community. Spoken by...


A message in Croatian on how Mississauga can help fight COVID-19, so we can flatten the curve, be together apart and move forward as a community. Spoken by M...


A message in Polish on how Mississauga can help fight COVID-19, so we can flatten the curve, be together apart and move forward as a community. Spoken by Mis...


A message in Greek on how Mississauga can help fight COVID-19, so we can flatten the curve, be together apart and move forward as a community. Spoken by Miss...


A message in Mandarin on how Mississauga can help fight COVID-19, so we can flatten the curve, be together apart and move forward as a community. Spoken by M...


A message in Mandarin on how Mississauga can help fight COVID-19, so we can flatten the curve, be together apart and move forward as a community. Spoken by M...


A message in Malayalam on how Mississauga can help fight COVID-19, so we can flatten the curve, be together apart and move forward as a community. Spoken by ...


A message in Urdu on wearing masks to help fight COVID-19, as provided by the Region of Peel.


A message in Urdu on wearing gloves to help fight COVID-19, as provided by the Region of Peel.


A message in Punjabi on wearing masks to help fight COVID-19, as provided by the Region of Peel.


A message in Punjabi on wearing gloves to help fight COVID-19, as provided by the Region of Peel.


A message in French on wearing masks to help fight COVID-19, as provided by the Region of Peel.


A message in French on wearing gloves to help fight COVID-19, as provided by the Region of Peel.


A message from Dr. Lawrence Loh on wearing masks to help fight COVID-19, as provided by the Region of Peel.


A message from Dr. Lawrence Loh on wearing gloves to help fight COVID-19, as provided by the Region of Peel