10 Tips for Maintaining a Beautiful Yard

Did you know that keeping a beautiful and a well-maintained yard is one of the most enjoyable and a better way of enhancing your living space? Your outdoor area, your garden or even your flower beds deserve an attractive and a pretty appearance.

Here are 10 tips to help you maintain a super beautiful yard.

  • Prune in winter

Make sure to cut off the unwanted dry and dead parts in your branches that might have been triggered by the winter snow and afterwards by the ice in late winter. Do you happen to notice any flowering shrubs on your yard? well, you should then prepare to prune the shrubs depending on when it shall blossom.

  • Clean up leaves

Even if you focus on cleaning your yard every weak, there are some flowers and trees that shed their leaves every now and then. However, this doesn’t mean that you leave layers of leaves that may invite a lot of diseases, formation of mould and decay.

 Cleaning up your garden doesn’t put you in a competition with your neighbours to see who keeps the yard pretty and attractive. It is simply a way of conserving the environment and avoiding pollution.

  • Deal with weeds

Dealing with aggressive weeds is done in early spring. Ignoring these weeds until summer will give you a heavy and tedious work to deal with. The best ways to deal with these aggressive weeds is to mow when they are too short, make sure to skip spring fertilization and avoid watering too much or too little.

However, if you happen to delay removing the weed during winter and now you will have to deal with it during summer, there are remarkable string trimmer that you can purchase to help you ease your work.

  • Re-seed some bare spots

Certain bare patches may be brought about by damages caused in winter. You may then want to re-seed some spots. The quandary is: if you decide to use herbicides to deal with crabgrass, it is non-selective and will definitely deter the grass seeds from growing.

However, if you can’t withstand the empty spots, make sure to re-seed the spots as early as possible. Use a rake to scrape the area before seeding. 

  • Deal with thatches

Many people deal with thatches way too early. These are thick masses that have died out and formed a layer in your yard. They are not healthy since they tend to bring the mould to your yard. Performing a good raking will help prevent the mould by enhancing a good airflow through the grass and help in germination.

  • Avoid fertilizing too early

The preferred time to fertilize your seeds is before winter and after summer. This process of fertilization helps in ensuring that the turf is well built and that the roots are strong enough. Fertilizing too early will only divert the plants energy into developing the leaves too soon. This is a big mistake since the grass needs strong roots to develop first before the leaves can develop.

If you decide to fertilize during spring make sure you apply lightly to avoid any disease from forming.

  • Loosen your soil

The soil in your garden can be fully compressed and require some loosening. One way of loosening your soil in the garden is by removing thick layers that are covering the greener parts cover beds. However, thin layers of leaves can be left as a way of mulching and thus adding organic matter to your soil.

Tillage can be used to loosen your soil in large areas while in small areas hand tools are used.

  • Redraw your garden beds

Many people get to have the dire need to redraw the boundary between the grass and the garden beds. This is an advantage to them since they get to have easier work while caring for their lawn. If you have to do it yourself, mark a nice line using your garden hose then drive a sharp metal edger along the line as deep as it can go.

  • Mow your grass

If the grass reaches 3 inches tall, make sure to mow it down with a machine. The more the grass grows the more it gets difficult for the seeds to germinate and put out shoots. To enhance a clean-cut, it is advisable to sharpen your scythe blade every month. If you rip the grass and leave it with open cuts, you leave your yard with the risk of getting fungi and diseases. 

  • Finish by mulching carefully

Don’t be quick to mulch too early. Many beneficial insects spend the winter in your garden so mulching early is not of any help. Mulching is necessary when the soil dries out and it is warm. It is also done after cut off all the dead branches and have edged our beds. After all of the above is done mulch with much heavier woodchips that will last longer and look better on your yard.


Many people put a lot of work into their homes forgetting their yards. Well, it is a high time to re-think about it and work towards a beautiful yard. A beautiful yard is a way of conserving and enhancing a ridiculous pretty environment. It takes a little sweet and a few tips that are mentioned above to maintain a beautiful yard.