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Fire Doors- Their Purpose and Benefits

Throughout the process of building or renovating a house, you must pay attention to the materials that will be used for specific fixtures and fittings. Doors are certainly no exception; they seem simple enough, but doors make up one of the most crucial elements of a building. This importance lies in the fact that doors help us maintain privacy, safety, and security that we would not have otherwise. 

Apart from providing us with a sense of security from the outdoors, they also separate interior spaces (rooms, closets, etc.) for privacy, convenience, safety, and security reasons. That is why every house or building needs doors, and good ones at that. There are many types of doors that are used in a home, and they are selected based on their function, purposes, benefits, and appearance. 

One of the most important types of the door is the fire door. The fire door is a door that is specifically designed to give maximum protection from the dangers of fire. The frame is usually built from high-quality steel in order to strengthen the door itself. This is because a fire door has high flexibility, and can fit into a classic, periodic home or a contemporary abode, depending on the theme of the interior design. Therefore, fire doors can be incredibly stylish and complementary to the existing décor of a house. 

If you are wondering how your home could benefit from a fire door, here are the main benefits and purposes of fire doors: 

The Purpose of Fire Doors

An architect will determine the best places for fire doors to be installed. Typically, they aim to separate any room with a source of heat (stove, fireplace, oven, or hob) from the other areas of a house. 

Another purpose of fire doors is the creation of passive fire safety systems, which save lives by stopping the progress of destructive fires. Fire doors have ratings related to the length of time the door will hold off a fire. FD30 will last 30 minutes while FD60 will last 60 minutes.

The Benefits of Fire Doors

There are a number of benefits that people can get from installing fire doors in their homes. 

First, a fire door can provide extra time for occupants to escape the building during a fire. By separating the source of fire from the rest of the house, they hinder the fire’s progress.

Secondly, fire doors increase the value of a property and help reduce insurance premiums.

Thirdly, fire doors offer sound-proofing by preventing noise transfer from room-to-room. They ensure that occupants of one room cannot be disturbed by external sounds, such as the sound from the washing machine or tumble dryer. 

Final thoughts

Fire doors are available in a number of styles and designs. They are no longer dull, ugly looking doors. A fire door will give you a sense of security and come into its own when danger hits. So, why not get online and find your fire door today. Just make sure you order a proper fire door has an FD30 or FD60 rating for maximum protection.