Keeping up with the fashion world during the lock down

The pandemic that is currently going on affects so many things in the world. With new regulations and sudden changes to our way of life, comes a direct impact on the economy and industries, including fashion. So how's the fashion industry doing during this weird time that we have to live in? The answer is not very encouraging, as you may guess. 


Even before the pandemic, many fashion professionals already presumed that 2020 would not be a very good year for fashion. Now, with a lot of fashion shows cancelled, productions shut down, and people focusing on food and health supplies, the market has reportedly dropped almost 40 percent between January and March this year. This affects so many people involved in the fashion industry, from garment workers to supermodels and stylists that now have to survive without income. 

But, just like any other crisis we have to face, it's essential to focus on the positives. Regardless of the circumstances, fashion has a way of making us feel better. A task as simple as picking an outfit and getting dressed every morning could be the way to brighten someone's day. With careful attention to seemingly small things like outfits, people feel they still belong to society, which obviously is good for our mental health as well. In the meantime, from the side of the industry, designers and brands do the best that they can. They adapt. 

Online stores are nothing new to this industry. So many brands have sold their collections online pretty much since the dawn of the internet. Online stores such as Hush Style play a huge role during this time. They provide us with quality clothing from authentic brands, and the best part is that we can order from the comfort of our own homes. 

To keep up the positive vibes, here are some fashion updates not to miss out on during lock down:

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Digital Workshops 

In order to keep in touch with their customers, many brands and designers launched their digital platforms. Stella McCartney launched Stellavison on Instagram. Alexander McQueen is inviting the customer to engage through a YouTube channel, with new projects every week. Bottega Veneta launched a Residency series by inviting creative collaborators to take over their multiple platforms. You too, can get involved and stay connected with your favourite brands and designers through their digital programs. 

Fashionable Face Masks

Many brands also contribute to fighting the pandemic. They've started to produce reusable face masks you can wear while out on an essentials haul. Of course, you can expect them to be cute and stylish. We don't have to sacrifice style to stay safe, right? 

Nap Dress

Since lock down regulations require us to spend more time at home, comfort has become a priority when it comes to fashion. Cue: the nap dress, a fusion between style and comfort. The dress looks pretty good and is stylish enough for that work-related video call, but it's also comfortable enough for naps!

Mid-Season Discounts

Brands are also offering some pretty good deals, especially during mid-season. You can invest in winter coats or summer bikinis now at a lower price and wear them later when the pandemic is over. What a steal!

Virtual Fashion Shows

Of course, with the lock down and social distancing regulations, events like fashion shows have been postponed. Due to the uncertainty of the future and the timeline of when the virus will be gone, many organizers have started to consider virtual fashion shows. In February, Shanghai Fashion Week hosted a fully digital edition available for live streaming. The British Fashion Council announced London Fashion Week would be entirely digital in June. Milan will have its first digital fashion week in July, which will showcase Spring/Summer 2021 collections. Along with that, many virtual fashion shows have been held online with popular models walking their home runway. 

Final thoughts

This is good news, right? In this time of crisis, the fashion industry tries to survive in the best ways possible. Surely you can't miss out on them. We hope that with every little thing we do, we can keep ourselves positive, and when it's finally over, we can restart even better.