How to Make a Living as a Freelancer

In a world full of gig working and on-demand careers, it seems as though the traditional nine to five job is becoming more old-fashioned. Most people would prefer to avoid working at a stuffy office, or behind a retail counter, when they could choose their own hours and work from home instead. However, there’s a lot more to becoming a freelance worker than simply giving up your job and signing up to a pay per hour website. If you’re thinking of embracing the freelancer way of life this year, then you need to make sure that you know how to make a real income this way. Here are a few steps to set you off on the right path.


Develop your Skills

Unless you want to be a freelancer that works with Uber, or someone who delivers packages for Amazon, then you’re going to need a particular skill to sell. That means that you need to develop your education. For instance, if you want to pursue your passion as a graphic artist, then it might be a good idea to take out a student loan and go back to school for a few years. Developing the right certifications in your profession will make you more appealing to clients. At the same time, you can also find countless courses out there that will help with other freelance careers, like creative writing for bloggers, and photography, for those who want to become Instagram influencers.

Have a Plan

One thing you’ll need to keep in mind when you become a freelancer, is that you’re not going to have the same consistent income that you have from a traditional job. That means that you’re going to need a plan for how you’re going to cope in an ever-changing marketplace. Having an emergency fund in place that you can pay into when times are good is a good way to prepare for the dry spells. At the same time, you’ll also need to develop a plan for how you’re going to continue collecting as much work as possible in the years to come. This could mean designing your own website or portfolio page where you showcase your work or getting a social media account.


Discipline is Essential

Finally, if you want to make sure that you’re successful as a freelancer, you can’t let any distractions get the best of you. When you first start working from home or on your own time, it’s easy to get distracted by the world around you. You might find yourself tempted to watch a few hours of Netflix before you get to work, or check your social media every few minutes. However, if you’re not actually getting work done as a freelancer, then you’re not going to be earning any money. That means that you need to find a way to keep yourself committed and on task for a certain number of hours every day. Consider finding a way to shut down your access to all calls and social media when you’re meant to be working. Additionally, remember that having your own office space that you can use away from the rest of the household can be helpful too.