Be Safe, Be Seen, Be Courteous: Brush Up on Mississauga’s Trail Etiquette

Every summer, Mississauga residents pull out their running shoes, pump up their bike tires, grab their pets and family members and head to the City’s trails and pathways. As Mississauga continues to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, its trails are seeing even more traffic than normal, with residents looking to get outdoors and get some exercise while practising physical distancing.


The City’s network of shared pathways and trails is expansive, contains many hidden gems and provides pedestrians and cyclists alike with opportunities to visit Mississauga landmarks and see more of their city.

Whether you’re just starting to discover Mississauga’s network of shared pathways and multi-use trails, or have been using this network for years, make sure to brush up on trail etiquette before you head out.

Shared Pathway Trail Etiquette

Stay Right

  • Always keep to the right of the trail, particularly if you are traveling at a slower speed.

Pass Safely

  • Always pass others on their left.

  • Cyclists must use their bell or give a friendly, verbal warning before passing another cyclist or pedestrian.

  • Cyclists should keep their speed low when passing pedestrians.

Keep Your Distance

  • Respect the space of others. Maintain at least two metres, or one bike length, between yourself and those not in your household or social bubble.

  • Be extra cautious when cycling around older adults, children and pets.

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Be Aware of Others

  • When approaching a sharp turn on your bike that obstructs your view, approach slowly, use your bell or give a verbal warning and proceed when clear to do so.

  • Don’t block the trail. If stopping for a break, pull off to the side or off of the trail completely, allowing trail traffic to continue safely.

  • Make sure that you can hear what’s going on around you, especially while you’re listening to music, talking or texting on your phone, or chatting with your walking buddy.

  • Keep your dog on-leash and make sure they are well-behaved at all times.

Be Seen and Be Safe

  • Make sure your bike has a light and reflectors that can be seen by others.

  • Wear a bike helmet. In an accident, helmets greatly reduce the risk of injury or even death. While it is required for anyone under the age of 18 to wear a helmet while riding their bike, it is strongly recommended that everyone riding their bike wear a helmet.

For more tips on cycling safety, visit