Local artists map out innovative "Arts Drive" for Mississauga Community

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As the city begins to open up some facilities and shops, Arts on the Credit has a safe arts event  planned - ARTS DRIVE 2020. The AOTC artists are very excited to be able to once again show their work and meet art lovers for the first time in months!

ARTS DRIVE will take place ONE day only, on Saturday, September 26th, 2020 from 1 pm – 5 pm (Sunday, the 27th will be the rain date, if necessary)

ARTS DRIVE  is an outdoor event at the homes of the artists;  in driveways, sidewalks or front yards. Interested art lovers can simply drive by and view the art from their vehicles, or with public health social distancing measures, step out for a better view, or a chat!

Register for ARTS DRIVE to receive a map of the “art spots” Artsonthecredit.ca/arts-drive

Launched in 2011, Arts on the Credit is a not for profit, independent arts organization showcasing, promoting and mentoring local artists with three annual high-end juried shows:  the Arts on the Credit: SHOW (April) the Arts on the Credit: TOUR (September) and the Arts on the Credit: ARTWEAR Show (November.)

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