Modern Entrepreneur - Mississauga's Andrea Lee, owner of Natural Alignments

In conversation with Andrea Lee, owner of Mississauga’s newest Wellness Clinic and Yoga studio, Natural Alignments.

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1. What exactly does Natural Alignments do?
We are a collaborative health network of practitioners and rehab specialists who look at your WHOLE-body health. Physical, psychological, and internal health practitioners can work together, if needed, to get to the source of a health-related concern.

As a one-stop-shop for your overall wellness, here are some of the offerings we’ll have for our patients:

  • Acupuncture

  • Athletic Therapy

  • Osteopathy 

  • Chiropractic

  • Physiotherapy 

  • Registered Massage Therapy

  • Psychology

  • Naturopathic Medicine

  • Nutrition counselling

  • Yoga and Meditation

2. How long have you been in business?
We are proud to have opened our doors in mid September 2020 and are so grateful to have been welcomed into the community.

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3. What inspired you to open Natural Alignments?
When a patient truly understands the source of their symptoms and are given the tools necessary to make a change toward health, it is empowering!  I wanted to provide an opportunity to build a strong network of health care professionals who collaborate to provide best possible care. Throughout my experience as both an osteopathic manual therapist as well as a yoga instructor, I’ve come to realize it often takes a team to bring a patient back into health.  The most important person on the team is the patient.

Constant communication with our team of therapists is essential to provide the best possible care.  Our team conduct monthly ‘rounds’ to discuss patient cases that require collaboration and perhaps out-of-the box thinking.  The goal of our wellness centre is to provide the support, resources and education required to help our patients live their healthiest lives.

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4. What's been your greatest achievement as an entrepreneur?
Learning to ebb-and-flow with the challenges of opening a 3200 sq/ft multidisciplinary practice + Yoga studio.  Opening this business and trying to build during a global pandemic definitely added another layer of challenge.

Considering our recent opening, I cannot speak to everyday business experiences, but I can say building the perfect team of therapists is something I am extremely proud of.  Finding like-minded practitioners, who are patient-centric, has been a very rewarding process.

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5. What are three primary obstacles you face as an entrepreneur?

  1. Appealing to our Market - After searching for over a year for a location that best suits our business model, we finally landed in north Mississauga, specifically Courtney Park! As a community heavily built on officegoers, we now have to focus our marketing effort on supporting the community in a way that is needed most.  Lunch hour express yoga classes and educational health-talks on various topics from injury prevention to nutrition, have been a much needed add to our plan.

  2. COVID – In February, just before COVID, I signed the lease to our 3200sq/ft space with the intention to install nine treatment rooms and a yoga space. I am so excited we managed to complete our mission. However, with a lot of office goers working from home we have had to pivot our marketing plans to safely attract those in the community while at the same time keeping everyone safe.

  3. Our Team I am so grateful we have managed to develop such an amazing team so far. 
    As we continue to grow, I hope to add more like-minded practitioners and keep our team dynamic strong and thriving.

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6. How do you overcome them?

  1. Appealing to our Market – We understand the primary demographic in our area are business professionals.  We have tailored our yoga programs to offer 40 minute express yoga at lunch hours to accommodate the needs of our clients.
    Education is key so our practitioners will be conducting talks on various topics from fertility to sport injury/concussion rehab which will appeal to our demographic.

  2. COVID – We have limited the number of practitioners working in the clinic at one time to allow for a decrease in traffic.  Our yoga classes have been cut down in size to only 10 students at one time with 6 foot distance between each mat.

  3. Our Team I am seeking the guidance of our team to ensure we bring on the right practitioners.  It takes a team to build a thriving practice so we should all be part of the journey!

7. What specific advice do you have for other business owners?
Do what you love, and love what you do!
With a well thought out business plan you can absolutely turn your dream into a reality! Nurture your relationships with your family, friends and networks as they will be your biggest advocates in the long run.

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9. What do you do with your down time?
Anything where I am outside and active! From engaging in my favorite sports; beach volleyball and snowboarding, to playing outside with our puppies Riley and Tippi, I am my happiest when I am moving!

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10. What trends do you predict for your industry over the next two years?
There will always be a need for healthcare but with more awareness around a patient-centric model, I feel we will start to see more networking between practitioners.  A more team-based approach to overall wellness will hopefully start to become the new norm as we start to realize the complexity of getting to the source of a symptom. 

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11. Why did you pick Mississauga for your business?
I have lived on the border of Mississauga/ Toronto for the past 10 years and have often ventured to the amazing trails and waterfront in Mississauga! My partner and I are hoping to move our home, and our adorable puppies, to Mississauga this coming year!


12. What is "success" to you?
Success is being able make a difference in the lives and health of my community. Educating patients on the importance of taking care of their health, giving them the tools to maintain a healthy body and supporting their healthcare needs would be the definition of success!

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13. What's been your one favourite moment of being an entrepreneur?
Having my practitioners and patients explain how much they love our location, the vibe we have created and how our team makes them feel! Knowing that everyone shares in the excitement and love I feel for this new endeavor makes me so happy!

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14. What three things can you not live without?
COFFEE – I dream about my first cup of coffee as my first morning alarm goes off. Admittedly I have 3 snooze settings, so it is my motivator to get the ball rolling in the morning.

My friends and family -I am so grateful for my amazing support system. I couldn’t have gotten close to achieving my goals without them.
My puppy -My adorable 2-year old golden-doodle Riley has become my best friend and an amazing support during a time when I’m pushing toward realizing my dream.