What‌ ‌Happens‌ ‌If‌ You Are ‌Injured‌ ‌By An‌ ‌Uninsured‌ ‌Motorist‌ ‌

A road mishap is a scenario that nobody wants to be involved in. However, during these unfortunate scenarios, having a reliable insurance policy will be able to provide you with the means to avoid unnecessary expenses. Nonetheless, it can be quite unfortunate if you are involved in an accident with an uninsured motorist. This article tackles some of the things that can happen when you get injured by an uninsured motorist.


Compensation Options

When you get injured by an uninsured motorist, there are several ways on how you will still be able to get compensated. One of these is by leveraging various insurance options that will provide you with ample coverage and protection. There is also the option for you to file a lawsuit or claim against the vehicle manufacturer, owner, or mechanic.
If you’re visiting or live in the Ottawa area and find yourself involved in a collision, insurance lawyers in Ottawa will be able to help you sort through the details of the aftermath.

  • Insurance Options

Even if the motorist who got you injured is uninsured, you can still get compensated if you have personal injury protection insurance. This is particularly helpful in states that implement no-fault laws because regardless of who causes the accident, each driver bears the liability for the damage caused by the accident. There is also the option for you to get uninsured motorist insurance to cover the damage to your vehicle, as well as for the injuries that you have sustained following the accident.

Another insurance option that you can look into is collision insurance which can help provide for the expenses that you incur due to the damages to your vehicle. On the other hand, in case you sustained serious injuries, then you can turn to your health insurance to help you get by with your medical expenses.

You can explore the internet to know more about these compensation options or even to find a reputable lawyer that you can consult regarding your case. When you search online sources, you may come across https://www.davidchristensenlaw.com/detroit-car-accident-lawyer/uninsured-accidents/, which is an article about how a lawyer will be able to help you file a personal injury claim regardless of your insurance coverage or the coverage of the other motorists involved in the mishap. They can even help you file a lawsuit if necessary.

  • Lawsuit

In some instances, you may need to file a lawsuit to ensure that you get compensated for the injuries that you have sustained after being involved in an accident with an uninsured motorist. However, even if the other party is directly held liable, they may not have the means to compensate you for your injuries. In this case, you and your lawyer can work out an investigation to determine whether any other parties may have contributed to the accident.

These third parties include the vehicle manufacturer or owner, as well as the mechanic who recently worked on the vehicle. A vehicle can be held liable for the accident particularly if you determine that your vehicle model has a known mechanical defect that is not properly addressed by the manufacturer. On the other hand, the vehicle owner can be held liable in case he or she knowingly allowed an uninsured driver behind the wheel.

What You Should Do

One of the first things that you need to do after you get involved in an accident with an uninsured motorist is to call the police and file the necessary report. Failing to do so due to certain factors such as emotional manipulation can prevent you from being compensated in the long run. With a proper police report, proving who caused the accident will be more seamless.

Remember not to accept liability for the accident, even partial ones. If you do, this means that your insurance provider should pay for the damages caused by the accident not only to you or your vehicle but to the other party involved too. Just offer honest answers to the police inquiries but avoid getting into so much detail that can lead to incriminating statements.

As soon as you can, make sure to pursue proper medical evaluation and care for the injuries that you have sustained even if you feel like these are only minor injuries. Also make it a point to get in touch with your insurance companies, including both your auto insurance and health insurance providers. Alongside this, make sure that you only work with a trusted lawyer who has sufficient expertise when it comes to these cases.


It can be quite inconvenient when uninsured drivers behind the wheel get involved in a road mishap. Fortunately, there are several options on how you will still be able to get ample compensation for your injuries. Just make sure to follow the steps listed above to ensure that you will be able to focus on your healing and recovery rather than on finding the means to cover your expenses.