7 Natural Ways to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

veryone runs into an issue at some point in their life that might cause stress and anxiety. These moments are temporary, of course, but there are steps you can take to relax or find relief quickly.

Some people turn to pharmaceuticals as a solution. This isn’t a good option, as these substances only exaggerate any problems or struggles you may have at the moment. You should opt for healthier and more effective alternatives.


Hopping on a bike or throwing on some rollerblades can accomplish more than just achieving fitness. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins. These chemicals are responsible for the excellent feeling you get after working out. It just so happens that they also relieve stress and anxiety. You can work towards getting that six-pack and improve your mood at the same time.

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Most tea products contain thein, a substance similar in nature to caffeine. They cause almost identical bodily reactions by boosting alertness. However, some teas can help you wind down at the end of the day. The best choice, according to most people, is chamomile.

Video Games

Contrary to popular belief, video games can provide relief for symptoms that come with stress and anxiety. One study showed that cooperative play with other people creates social interactions capable of calming you down. There are also titles built around providing a relaxing experience. You might benefit by grabbing a controller and booting up a game.

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Opening your favorite music streaming app or program can change your day. You should try to find tracks that have a happy vibe. Some platforms offer entire playlists dedicated to rest and relaxation. You can press play and unwind.


Yes, marijuana. The stereotype, at this point, of the typical no-life weed addict is tiring. You can lead a very healthy lifestyle, achieve great success, and maintain friendships while using this drug. Of course, everything in excess is unhealthy, so you should try to limit your use. Some make it a hobby to collect cannabis-related bells and whistles. If you’re interested, you can try Atomic Blaze products to spruce up your collection.

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Meditation exercises can work wonders if you persist. Breathing training, binaural beats, and altered thinking patterns are fantastic for relaxing and relieving stress. The best part about this approach is that you can practice it almost anywhere. Consider taking a breather while at work or home by closing your eyes, counting down from ten, and leaving the world behind for just a bit.


Holding, hugging, and playing with pets are all activities proven to help people relax. This is because it reduces the levels of cortisol in your blood. Dogs, in particular, are a fantastic choice. Humans and canines alike release oxytocin, the “affection” hormone, when they spend time with each other.

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The Lucky Seven

So, these are seven natural ways to relieve stress and anxiety. They’re not in any particular order, as they all work differently depending on the person. Lifestyle changes like exercise, meditation, playing video games, or listening to calming music work wonders.  Consuming tea or marijuana in small doses can provide excellent benefits. If all of this fails, hug your dog! 

Whichever you choose, you should find one of these suggestions could provide you with some quick stress relief.