Mississauga's Crane Creations Theatre Company Launches Play Dates for Adults who Are Tired of Netflix

As we pass the one year mark of the first COVID case in Canada, we are reflecting on how things have changed. From lining up outside grocery stores, to restaurants being closed, to masks and working from home, our lives have been shaken by this pandemic. In our downtime, which many of us spend only a few feet away from where we work, we have increased our consumption of streamed content, and “Netflix and Chill” has become a lifestyle. Our reduced social contact has had a huge impact on us, increasing feelings of isolation.

Last Thursday, my team and I launched this new activity called Play Date. We at Crane Creations Theatre Company, are looking to help people re-connect during these isolating times. Personally I love reading plays, and hearing them out loud, in different voices really brings the story to life in a way that reading alone does not (and since I cannot sit in a theatre and watch actors do their thing, this will have to do until then). I was intrigued to see how this would go, and curious to know what types of people would join our little group. Most of all, I was excited to get off my phone and enjoy something other than watching endless hours of The Office on repeat.

We selected the play “Un” by Mani Soleymanlou, a world renown actor and playwright who has lived in Tehran, Paris, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal. Mani founded his own theatre company in Montreal in 2011 (Orange Noyée), and has recently been appointed as Artistic Director of the National Arts Centre’s French Theatre, starting in September 2021. Un is a solo show that explores identity through important moments of the playwrights life. In doing so, it forces us to reflect upon who we are, bringing to light interesting discussions.

Our group included writers, theatre lovers and some curious students, all eager to participate in something different and connect with new people. The group was divided into two breakout rooms on Zoom, and read the play, taking turns sharing the reading amongst themselves easily thanks to our moderating of the event. After the reading, we all came back together to discuss our thoughts, the themes and what their experience was like reading a theatre play.

The event was a success, and many participants expressed their eagerness to be participating in a “different” activity than their usual streaming or online scrolling. Since the group included many ages, professions and backgrounds, it was interesting to hear how each person interpreted key moments of the story, depending on their experience with the themes explored in the play. This truly represented the essence of theatre to me, bringing people together over the humanity of a character.

The next Play Date is Thursday February 18th 2021 from 7:00-9:30. The featured play will be "Playing in the Key of Love”, by Emanuelle delle Piane, leaning into the Valentines Day theme.

If you are interested in dusting off your high school theatre experience, if you want to practice reading out loud in a supportive group setting, if you want to meet new people and learn about how live theatre is made, join our Play Date.
Visit https://www.cranecreations.ca/play-reading-circle/ to sign up.

Stay home, stay safe, and read a play.