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Let Your Style Display Your Authentic Self

To be authentic means to be genuine, trustworthy, and credible before others. The best way to demonstrate this, without having to speak, is through your style.

You do not have to be a fashion enthusiast to realize that there is a connection between how we look and how others perceive us. The clothes are always part of the things we notice and analyze when we meet someone for the first time. The style we present through the clothes we wear allows us to project our image and our true nature that we want others to see.

In the text below, we will offer some tips on how to make your style display your authentic self.

Get to know yourself and speak through your clothes

To find the right way to show your personality through style, it is crucial to know who you truly are and what you stand for. Things that define you can be your profession, circle of friends, hobbies, interests, and of course your beliefs. When you achieve this, it also becomes easier to leave the impression you want and make your statement.

Add a touch of personal flair to your style with the charm of anklets. Explore the elegance and versatility of anklets to showcase your unique fashion statement.Of course, clothes can also be used to express messages through text and images. They are probably the fastest way to tell the outside world about yourself without having to say a single word.

To make a statement and make your choice of clothing a true reflection of who you are, you can spread some positivity and wear the Grateful Thankful Blessed shirt you love so dearly or your favourite smiley-face sweater. This will give you that extra boost of confidence during a gloomy day.

What makes you happy and comfortable

The most important and probably easiest point of all is to think about what makes you really happy. Fashion and clothes should be fun, right? So, what clothes, colors, patterns, accessories, or type of shoes make your heartbeat a little extra when you browse through online shops or walk around clothing stores?

You will probably never feel comfortable wearing certain clothing or designs no matter how trendy they are. So forget about them. If you have difficulty with colorful clothes, do not feel forced to buy yellow, pink, or baby blue every year when the spring sun peeks out. But do experiment and you might find a pattern or color that completely makes you feel like yourself.

Style as a representation of the work you do

Clothes are a means of communication, they convey competence and express who you are. It is no coincidence that the financial world dresses as it does. There are social codes wherever we find ourselves to be working. We place values on how people dress, whether we like it or not. We presume that a creative person would wear a graphic t-shirt, while a customer manager who handles money would wear an immaculate suit.

Whatever your profession is, you should know that clothes and personal style influence what people think you’re capable of. Style comes from within, it's about what you want to radiate, convey and communicate to your surroundings. It's about taking yourself seriously.

The joy of colors

Different colors stand for different things and as human beings, we automatically link different colors to different meanings. We usually associate the color blue with water and sky, representing something harmless and beautiful. While the color red can be linked to aggression, blood, or love.

Becoming aware of what the meaning of the color you choose is can be good if you are looking to make a specific impression. For example, if you want to express strength and authority, you could dress in that fierce black jacket you have in your closet, but if you instead want to appear neutral but still confident in yourself, you should dress in white and bright clothes.

Maintain your signature look

By achieving a clear signature look, your style will instantly both feel and be perceived as more personal and a mirror of who you truly are. It can be a specific color, a pattern, an accessory, or a make-up detail. Maybe you like tying a scarf around the neck or wrist, in the hair or on the bag.

Use all the fashion inspiration you can think of and which you identify with. Save outfits you love on Pinterest, on Instagram, or make an old-fashioned cut-and-paste post with photos from fashion magazines.

Use accessories

It can be fun to dress up with accessories. They can reflect your personality and enhance the feeling you strive to emit. Being able to subtly play with accessories is an art and it may need some practice.

Our tip is to go through your jewelry and watches and inspire yourself. Personalized accessories, such as a necklace with your child’s or pet’s name is a look that gives off an original vibe.

If you feel extra happy on some days, a statement tote bag or your favourite colour shoes are the perfect styling trick to change an entire look and making it your own.

Changes are good

Let's make one thing clear - who you are and how you live always evolves and will be in constant change. This goes for your clothing style too. You gain new life experiences, new perspectives on life and new perceptions of how you want to look and be understood and this will be reflected in your style.

So don’t be too hard on yourself to find the ultimate style that you will then strictly follow for the rest of your life.

Finding and maintaining your style is a long-term ongoing project, where you can find the right one, and then maybe a couple of years later you will have a complete makeover. That is exactly what makes personal style extra fun. It says something about you and you are the one who influences and decides what that message is.

Final words

For many of us, clothing is not just something we wear to keep ourselves warm or covered. It is also a means of expression through which we can convey what we think and feel; maybe not in detail unless the clothing is adorned with a text stating a clear message.

The moods conveyed through colours, cuts and shapes are often subtler. Together with hair, make-up, and other accessories, an entirety is created that can be experimented with by creative minds. For those who dare, the possibilities are endless.

With some of the tips above, you’ll be sure to show off your unique style which is the ultimate reflection of your true self.