Essential Hiking Gear You Should Have With You on Your Trekking Journey

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If you’re completely new to hiking, this article can be the best thing you read about the gear you’re supposed to have on your trekking journey. If you’re a seasoned hiker, however, you should also pay attention as there may be some new pieces of equipment that can make your trekking experience much more convenient and fun. Here are some of the hiking gear essentials.


The first thing you should be aware of is that you should have a proper means to navigate your way especially if you’re trekking in an area that is completely new to you. It doesn’t matter if you’re going with friends or you’ve been down that road before, navigation means should always be present as the staple of your hiking gear. Some of the navigation components you should own are a compass and a map. Nowadays many people may be tempted to use the maps on their phones, but you should have a map in paper form just in case something happens to your phone along the way. In addition to this, if you can, you should cover your map with a sort of plastic wrap to prevent it from getting wet during rainy days. Proper navigation can get you out of a lot of trouble especially if you’re going through unknown terrain, no matter how experienced you are.

Snacks and Water

Other essential items that you should have on hand while out on your trekking journey are of course snacks and water. It’s best advised that you buy nutritional snacks as opposed to bringing a bag of chips. Nutritional snacks include things like granola bars, trail mix, nuts, or any kind of dehydrated meals if you intend on going on a long hike because this is the case because you should pack light. Furthermore, sturdy fruits and vegetables that are less likely to get squished in your bag are also a great option. In addition to snacks, another must-have item you should have with you on your trekking journey is water. It is highly inconvenient to have to constantly reach in your backpack for water (and you know you will), but there are plenty of options covered in this article that will allow you to hydrate on the move. These products are highly versatile and convenient to pack so they cause the least amount of inconvenience on your trekking journey.



Many novice hikers don’t realize the importance of having proper protection from the sun during their adventures. Good sun protection is essential if you’re hiking, especially during summer, as more often than not, hikers tend to wear the least amount of clothes because of the high temperatures. Even though it may appear to be cold, trust me, the sunrays are doing their job. Make sure to bring a small bottle of at least 30 SPF, and also ensure that it won’t come off due to sweat. Furthermore, you should always have a hat made out of light and breathable material to prevent you from getting heatstroke because you will likely be miles away from the nearest hospital. In addition to an SPF and a hat, it’s always a good idea to bring a nice pair of sunglasses especially if you’re trekking during winter because of something called “snow blindness”.

First Aid Kit

Aside from the obvious trekking gear, you should always have a first aid kit wherever you go, especially if you’re going to be away from immediate medical help. Having a first aid kit can sometimes mean life or death for you or your trekking friends. Nowadays, there are a lot of pre-packaged first aid kits so you wouldn’t have to put much thought into it, and just put it in your backpack. They are made to be very light and carry all the essentials for any kind of emergency that might happen on your trekking journey. As you gain more hiking experience, you will be better able to supply your medical kit depending on your specific needs. You should always make sure to replace something if it’s past its due date or you happened to run out of it. Do this as soon as possible as many hikers tend to forget this as soon as they come back from the journey.

Hiking is an amazing hobby to have, and for many, it’s a way of life. This is all the more reason why you should be on the constant lookout for essential gear but only in more convenient forms to make your journey more convenient and safe. Happy trekking!