Modern Mississauga presents Ask The Contractor - What are some easy energy efficient upgrades I can do in my home?

Modern Mississauga and Marko Furlani of Urbanest Construction have come together to present an ongoing series called “Ask the Contractor.”
Submit your questions to for Marko to answer.

This week’s question is about how to select the right contractor from Paula K.

What are some easy energy efficient upgrades I can do in my home?


People are becoming more aware of their carbon footprint these days and as a result there are so many energy efficient upgrades available for your home. Here are our top 3:

1. Topping up your attic insulation

Most attics are insulated using a blown in cellulose and most older homes do not have enough (well enough for the time they were built). Topping up the insulation isn’t a very difficult task if you take your time and recruit some help. You can purchase bags of compacted cellulose and an application machine which will break up the material and shoot it through a hose. Once you access your attic space, you just need to point and shoot. But please remember to wear the appropriate protection, such a Tyvek suit, goggles, gloves and respirator.

2. Programable thermostat

With no shortage of options these days, a programable smart thermostat is a great way to increase your homes efficiency. A lot of these units learn your daily schedule and will offer information as to when you are within the “energy saving” zones.  Our favorite feature is the wifi connectivity. There are many days when we are out of the house and run the furnace low or AC off. We then fire it up just before we get home.


3. Change your filters

 The simplest and most overlooked item, your furnace filter. A good rule of thumb is to change them with the seasons, but more often than that doesn’t hurt. It is really important to keep your filter clean as the furnace is the lungs of your house and a blocked filter is like a rock on your chest. There are also washable options which are great as there is no waste.

Happy Earth Day Everyone!

About Marko Furlani:
I am the President and Creative Director of Urbanest Construction, a turnkey Design-Build renovation company in Mississauga and the Greater Toronto Area. I’m a proud BILD member and RenoMark contractor.
Along with a desire to create unique and custom living spaces, the team and I pride ourselves on helping our clients to love where they live. I’ve been a contractor in the GTA for over 15 years.
I invite you to connect with me on Instagram
@urbanestconstruction or email me
