3 Things To Keep in Mind About Vaporizers

A vaporizer or a vape, as most of us call it, is a popular device for smoking tobacco, herbs, and cannabis. However, that's not all that you could smoke. A vaporizer could also be useful to smoke propylene glycol, nicotine, glycerin, etc. Usually made with glass or metal, it has numerous forms of extraction chambers for collecting the vapor. The vaporizers steam to heat the water or the solution and send it up as steam for the user to smoke. 

Joseph Robinson is the man credited with the invention of vaporizers, for which he filed for a patent in 1927. While the patent was approved in 1930, it was never marketed. And by 2019, the vape market was worth around $12.41 billion. While the vape market is spread across the globe, 2018 research found that over 95 percent of the vapes were manufactured in China. However, was Hon Lik, a 52-year-old pharmacist who made the first commercially successful e-cigarette, an invention that was motivated by the demise of his father, who was a chain smoker!

Besides being a fantastic device to engage yourself in a good smoke, a vaporize with cool mist humidifier can also be used to overcome nasal dryness, chest congestion, and coughing. Despite the popularity of vaporizers, not many people know all about them. So, if you are curious to learn all about vaporizers, read on. While you might know some of these facts, these others would surely amuse you!

Vapourizers could explode

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A 2017 report by the U.S. Fire Administration found that e-cigarettes and vapors could explode if they are not designed right. And there were over 2000 visits to the emergency room between 2015 and 2017 from vaping-related accidents. However, these are avoidable if you pick a vapor that comes with a safety shutoff to ensure you do not battle accidents. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) suggests that people should opt for vaporizers with vent holes and replace the batteries of the e-cigarettes as early as possible to avoid damage. 

Over the years, numerous innovations in the portable vaporizer industry are making it possible to make vaporizers safer and quicker. The Enail dab, for instance, is a popular vaporizer that also comes with an LED screen to ensure you no longer need to dabble with stopwatches, lighters, and torches to smoke a vaporizer and time your smokes. 

It is addictive

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The American Lung Association found that there has been a significant drop in the use of cigarettes and other tobacco products over the last 60 years. However, there has been a boom in the electronic nicotine delivery system or the vape industry, which includes mods, pods, pens, tanks, and electronic cigarettes. More and more people are switching to vape as they do not have the damaging effects of smoke due to the difference in the chemical aggregation of a regular cigarette vs. vape. 

Over 9% of the adults in the U.S spoke of using vape products regularly, while over 27.5 percent of high school students indulge in it. The most popular reason for people to switch from cigarettes to vape is that they believe it is not as addictive as a cigarette. However, as nicotine is the key ingredient in vapes, it could get you addicted, and you might suffer from withdrawal symptoms when you try to quit. And there are times when your e-cigarette could have more nicotine than a regular pack of cigarettes. It could increase your blood pressure, adrenaline, and heartbeat. So, make sure you pick your vape carefully.

Not Legal Everywhere

The Food and Drug Administration in 2016 passed a ruling that made it mandatory for electronic cigarettes to be regulated the same way as any other tobacco products. The drug and delivery of e-cigarettes now fall under the regulation by the Food, Drug, and Cosmetics acts for import and sale in the US. Despite these regulations, vaping is not legal all over the US. California, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island have a prohibition on the sale of vaporizers. 

However, it is not just a few states in the US that are holding unfavorable opinions about the vape. Worldwide, numerous countries like Brazil, Uruguay, Singapore, and India have a ban on the import and selling of e-cigarettes. One possible reason for this is the increasing number of adolescent populations across the globe taking up vaping. 

While there are risks involved with vaping, there are benefits too, in the sense that it could not cause as much harm as a regular cigarette and hence poses a lesser threat to your body. Besides, it is also cheaper, doesn't have the dangers of second-hand smoking, the smoke does not linger, and it is available in numerous flavors. So, have you tried your hand at vaping? Do tell us more about your experience in the comments section.