How Can Modern Tech Be Used to Better Our Cities?

There is so much potential out there for making modern tech that works to make our lives in our cities better. See solutions we could chase here!

With so much modern technology making inroads into our lives and at our fingertips, we need to work hard to determine how we can best utilise it on more than a personal level. There is real potential for certain types of tech to be put to work, making it much easier to live in our local cities. Here are some of the ways we could develop tech to help – some of which are already in use worldwide!


What Needs to Be Done

One of the first things that need consideration is the accessibility of the tech. Making an app is often the easiest, as many people now have a smartphone. A smartphone is more than the sum of its parts. Any app must have a clean and easy-to-use interface, no matter who might be looking at it. Just look at this online casino for a great example of how to create something easy for anyone to navigate.

This app should also be available for both iOS and Android so anyone can download it. Making it accessible and readily available to all those who might need it will be critical. Let's take a look at three uses such an app might have.

Combined Public Transport Ticket

Many cities have taken the step to combine their public transport services, so passengers travel by any means on the one ticket. Whether they get on a train, a bus, or a tram, they need one ticket for multiple journeys. A single ticket is straightforward to manage, whether you are a tourist or you live in the city permanently.

Placing ticket controls on the app means that people could buy tickets quickly and would not have to worry about losing them as they went about their business. It is a neat solution to what can be a problematic public transport issue.

Heritage Trails

Heritage or art trails are exciting tourist attractions that can show a lot of the city to visitors with minimal effort. Many cities like to showcase buildings of note or certain pieces of street art with such a tour.

By placing QR codes around the trail at each stop, the city would quickly provide information about each attraction. QR codes can be easier than providing plaques or noticeboards, and they might be less prone to vandalism or weather damage. Just scan the code, and the app will give you all the information you could want to know about this stop!

City Centre Wi-Fi

Having a city centre Wi-Fi network can be tremendously beneficial to many. It means that people won't have to use their data, and it can even stretch down into a metro system where there might not be much in the way of a phone signal.

How do you log in to this? Well, it will all be controlled by the app! Whether it is a free system or one that will only give a portion of time for free – maybe like an hour or so – it can still be of great use to many going about their business.

These are just some ways that tech can unify us and make our lives easier to handle. If a city was to introduce an app like the one described above, visitors and residents alike could go about their business much more quickly and easily. Some places around the globe have already begun to roll out such a system, so it would be good if we could see it getting picked up in more and more places!