Modern Mississauga presents Ask The City - Are there any cycling events happening in Mississauga?

Modern Mississauga and the City of Mississauga have come together to present an ongoing series called “Ask the City.”
We’ll share relevant information here and answer your questions about our city.

Today’s question is about cycling.

Are there any cycling events happening in Mississauga?


If you are interested in cycling, Mississauga is the place to be! The city’s cycling network features approximately 500 kilometres of multi-use trails, bicycle lanes, park paths and signed bike routes. 

In celebration Bike Month and Recreation and Parks Month (JRPM) in Mississauga, here’s a summary of the cycling events taking place this month.

Learn about your rights and responsibilities when sharing the road. This free event runs from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. and is an interactive quiz-style workshop. Registration is required

Explore Cooksville and all it has to offer on this Community Ride self-guided bike route. The routes will begin and end at Huron Park. Routes and maps will be available Saturday, June 12.

This online event will guide you through topics to help make all-season cycling a breeze. This free webinar runs from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Registration is required.

Learn how to fix different parts of your bicycle in addition to proper maintenance and storage. This free event is presented by the Library in partnership with the Transportation and Works team and runs from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Registration is required.

This is an introduction to everything you need to know to get on your bike and ride safety this summer. This free event is presented by the City’s Library and Transportation and Works teams and runs from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Registration is required.


This Malton loop follows the Greenway Trail through vibrant habitats and greenspaces. Routes and maps will be available starting Saturday, June 26.

Cyclists are reminded to always follow the rules of the road and obey all shared trail etiquette.

When getting outdoor exercise, residents are reminded to follow COVID-19 safety guidelines by staying at least two metres from those not in their household and wearing a mask when physical distancing cannot be maintained, even when outdoors.

If you’ve got a question about the City, we want to hear from you! 
Please send your questions to with “Ask the City” in the subject line.