How to keep your house clean and organized with pets

For one thing, pets are good company. On the other hand, they can be dirty and smelly companions that carry parasites and germs. Putting up with a pet in your household can be pretty challenging due to the balls of hair, feathers, shavings, droppings, and urine stains they cause in unusual places. 

They make it significantly more challenging for you to keep your home clean. You can easily instruct members of your household to maintain cleanliness while indoors. You can also mop the floor and dust your house regularly to get rid of outside dirt. One thing you cannot do is instruct your pets to maintain cleanliness. 


It, however, should not stop you from getting a pet. We have compiled some of the best ways for homeowners to clean up their homes if they own pets.

1. Keep your pets clean

If your dog looks like they’ve been running through the mud after every walk, you need to create an effective pet grooming routine. Unlike dirt lying around your living room, the dirt you remove through grooming does not make your house dirty. Although you should avoid using shampoo frequently, a simple wash down using clean water can make a big difference. After washing, you can confine the pet in a separate area until they dry out. Alternatively, you can dry out your dogs after washing to prevent the stench wet dogs have. 

You will have to give them a good wash using pet shampoo every once in a while. Depending on the breed, you also have to trim their fur. You can work with a professional pet groomer for such needs.

2. Buy a vacuum cleaner

Nothing can mess up your rug faster than pet hair and fur. Leaving them to lay around also causes allergies in some people. To get rid of pet hair, you can purchase a vacuum cleaner for pet hair. Finding the best vacuum to manage pet hair can be challenging for most homeowners, so you can check out reviews on the
How To Home website to identify the most suitable options. The ideal vacuum cleaner should have a high-quality filter, a good brush action to retrieve hair instead of gliding across the surface, and strong suction. 

You should select a vacuum cleaner based on the type of flooring installed in your home. If your pets go on furniture, find a vacuum cleaner that can also handle upholstery. If you have a shredder, you will have to vacuum every day. Ensure you clean the filter regularly since a filter filled with pet hair will spread the smell everywhere you vacuum.

3. Upgrade your couch

If your pet regularly climbs onto furniture, your sofa, to be more specific, you may need to upgrade your current couch. A poor choice of material means that it will act as a hair magnet, retain stenches and odors, and show stains. When you go shopping for a new sofa, go for one made from leather or one that is tightly woven. Also, choose a color similar to that of your pet. If you cannot afford to purchase a new sofa, pet-friendly covers that you can easily wash may be a good option.

4. Create a pet cleaning station

A console table or a beautiful indoor plant may be great for your entranceway, but not when you bring a muddy dog home. You do have a laundry room, so go ahead and set up a bit of a cleaning station there. If your house does not have one, you can tweak the entranceway. Find a heavy-duty doormat, dog wipes and towels, and a water spray bottle to help you get rid of mud from the paws. You can also add a few treats to help you calm down the pet while cleaning them.

5. Frequently clean the things your pet touches


Pet toys, leads, and even open beds collect the strong odor released by your pets, so you need to clean them regularly. Try and find out if they support machine washing. If not, you can wash them by hand. It is recommended that you do this on sunny days so that they can dry outside where the sun can help get rid of any bad.

When cleaning, always choose the right cleaning products that are safe for your pet and the environment. Stay away from acidic products such as bleach. You can use essential oil diffusers to freshen up the air in your home. 

Having an animal companion in your home can significantly lighten up the atmosphere. However, keeping the house clean with pets around presents a significant concern. If you have or plan on bringing a pet home, use some of the acts provided above to maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of your home to make it a happy and enjoyable experience.