2022 Mississauga Election Profiles - Ward 11 Candidate Imran Hasan

Leading up to the 2022 Mississauga elections, Modern Mississauga Media reached out to all incumbents and candidates via email with the same set of questions to help our community learn more about them leading up to the Monday, October 24, 2022 election.
For full information on how and when to vote, click here.

1. What ward are you running in and why are you running for Mississauga City Council?
Ward 11. With George Carlson's retirement, this community needs a bridge builder with a track record of working with different groups to help our community become safer, more vibrant, and livable.

2. What makes you stand out over other candidates?
I plan to be a voice for many in our community who don’t feel represented. People tell me they want a leader who gives them hope; They don't want the same old politicians. Representation Matters.

3. What are your top 3 campaign priorities?
Community and road safety are key issues. We need to curb things like speeding and the rash of car thefts. We also need to help those struggling with rising costs especially the most marginalized.

4. If you could change one thing about Mississauga's zoning laws, what would it be?
We need to ensure we have more affordable housing in Ward 11 so our long-time residents and youth will be able to continue living and thriving here and not be forced to move someplace else.

5. How do you plan to actively involve and include residents in decisions?
Connecting with residents is in my DNA. During the campaign, I have actively reached out to residents who currently feel they don't have a voice. I have given them my postcard which has my cell phone number on it. My number hasn't changed in 20 years and will remain the same after October 24.

6. What budget item is the most important to your ward?
Community safety and policing are key for residents. My experience as Chair of Peel Crime Stoppers gives me great insights on how we can build safer communities without impacting our taxes.

7. What are three of your favourite aspects of Mississauga?
There are over 500 parks and 400km of mix use trails. We are home to more than 1,200 restaurants representing over 150 ethnic cuisines. I love the diverse nature of Mississauga that makes us so unique and appreciated by people around the world.

8. How will you be supporting our local businesses if elected?
I volunteered as a chair at the Board of Trade to be a champion for our entrepreneurs and small businesses who are the economic engines of our communities. During the campaign, I have visited many small businesses because I truly understand how important they are as a small business owner myself.

9. What does Mississauga currently excel at?
In surveys, Mississauga residents have called it is a welcoming and open community. With an incredible 50 per cent of residents born outside Canada, that needs to be better reflected on council.

10. How would you communicate with residents and what communication standards can voters expect?
When I say something, I don't just say it. I get it done. I have pledged to give people a voice and plan to begin that work as a bridge builder immediately. I plan to bring people from different backgrounds together to listen and to find the most appropriate solutions for Ward 11.

11. Please provide your campaign website.