2024 Ward 5 Candidate Profile - Rosemarie Sanchez Sanchez

With the upcoming 2024 Ward 5 election happening on June 10th, Modern Mississauga Media has reached out to all candidates inviting them to answer the same five questions so voters can become more familiar with them.
Invitations went out to all candidates.
Click here to read all of the Ward 5 candidate profiles and check back often as responses will be posted within 72 hours of receipt.

Candidate answers are unedited and their contact information is at the bottom if you’d like to connect with them.
Click here to learn how to vote in the Ward 5 election.

1. Why are you running for Councillor of Ward 5?
I am deeply committed to serving our community and believe that my experience, knowledge, and dedication make me an ideal candidate for this role. Primarily, I am passionate about ensuring the well-being and prosperity of our community. I have actively engaged with residents in Ward 5, listening to their concerns and ideas, and I am committed to representing their voices and advocating for their needs. I believe that effective communication and collaboration are crucial for building a thriving community, and I am eager to work closely with residents, businesses, and organizations to address the issues that matter most to us.

2. What are your top 3 campaign priorities and why?
1. Community Development:  I will work towards providing recreational facilities, educational programs, and space for community events, affordable and more connected to families and youth, serving as a hub for fostering community engagement and building social connections. “Less cellular phones and more families together”.

2. Fostering a conscious plan for a safer community: It is important to prevent robberies and car theft. 
A) Community Engagement
B) Collaboration with Law Enforcement
C) Increase Surveillance
D) Public Awareness Campaigns    

3. Low tax reduction plan increasing a better quality of life:  
a) Provide Tax Incentives for Job Creation
b). Collaborate with Provincial and Federal Governments  

3. How do you plan to actively involve and include residents in community decisions?
Firstable, we need to conduct an extensive survey and knock on doors like we are doing these days talking to residents, getting engaged with the community by public service etc. Listen to the people and recognize what's not working, can be changed or reorganized. Therefore, getting activities to incentivize the population to speak, getting productively with the other wards and to have an analysis among us. The purpose is to be at service for the community of Ward 5.

4. How will you be actively supporting our local businesses if elected?  
To promote business expansion, it is important to provide assistance to local businesses by offering information on available resources, grants, and loans. This support can enable them to expand their operations, generate more job opportunities, and contribute to the overall economic development of the community. Encouraging collaboration between businesses and community organizations is also crucial in fostering a strong and interconnected local ecosystem. It is worth noting that supporting local businesses not only boosts the local economy, but also fosters a sense of community pride and engagement. By actively promoting and providing support to local businesses, we can contribute to a safer and more prosperous Ward 5 in Mississauga.  

5. What does Ward 5 currently excel at?
Ward 5 holds significant importance in the city of Mississauga, being the largest ward with numerous thriving businesses, including the largest airport in Canada. Its economic significance extends beyond just the local level, impacting the economies of Ontario and Canada as a whole. The ward requires effective leadership to address infrastructure needs, support businesses, and ensure a safer local community. Given the high demand and potential of Ward 5, it is crucial to prioritize its growth and development, as it plays a pivotal role in driving the city's economy and empowering not only Mississauga but also the surrounding areas, ultimately contributing to the prosperity of Ontario and Canada.
