Solo Travel Through Canada - What Do You Need?

Solo travel can be the best or the worst thing that ever happens to you. It all depends on how you prepare for it and your goals. Canada is one of the best countries for a solo trip because it’s both super safe and you can have unexpected adventures. Plus, all the beautiful nature will leave you in awe. 

Now, the thing that makes or breaks the solo trip is the preparation. Here’s everything you’ll need: 

A Suitcase Or A Backpack

Right at the start, you’re presented with a challenge. Do you need a suitcase or a backpack? Both options are great for some situations and bad for others. It’s all up to you. Suitcases are easier to pack, more convenient, and sturdy. Backpacks, on the other hand, have more versatility and maneuverability and are safer by default because you can keep an eye on them (and they’re strapped to your body). 


In Canada, the weather can be unpredictable. You need a rainproof jacket, jeans, trousers, thermal shirts, socks, underwear, a hat, high-quality shoes, boots, bras, a scarf, and gloves. Of course, you can modify the list based on the places you want to visit and the time of year. One good strategy is to get some “last-chance clothes.” These are the “one wear away” from throwing in the garbage ones, and use them to sleep in or as a base layer underneath your other clothes. Don’t forget to discard them according to recycling rules when their time to go comes.


Even though you’re going solo, that doesn’t mean you should neglect hygiene. Here are a few things you must have: 

  • Deodorant.

  • Toothbrush and toothpaste.

  • Sunscreen.

  • Shampoo.

  • First Aid Kit.

  • Medication.

  • Contraceptives.

  • Makeup.

  • Shaver.


No matter where you’re coming from, you’ll need to have some documents with you. Get a sturdy folder, and use that to store all of these things of importance: 

  • Passport, ID, and/or driving license.

  • A Visa.

  • Cash and credit cards.

  • Copies of your documents.

  • Vaccination certificates.

  • Tickets and booking info.

  • A paper with all the Canadian emergency numbers written down.


You'll bring some electronics unless you really want to connect with nature. Use this list of all the things you might need so you don’t forget something at home: 

  • Smartphone.

  • Laptop or tablet.

  • Charger.

  • A global adapter.

  • A portable battery.

  • Headphones.

  • Camera.

Cybersecurity Tools

Canada is a safe country by default. But there’s still a hint of danger. You may not get attacked by a bear, but a cybercriminal might try to steal your data. Hackers don’t care about anything but your wallet. To be on the safe side, get a premium VPN with an ad blocker function to keep them at bay. Additionally, get an antivirus to stop malware from infecting your devices, and ensure all apps are updated before you set off on the journey. 

Travel Insurance

Not everything goes to plan when you’re on a solo trip. When the restaurant you want to visit is full, and you find a new place that’s even better, it’s a good thing. But when a medical emergency arises, you get sick or lose your bag, it’s terrible. Preparing for the worst-case scenarios beforehand will give you more peace of mind and will give you more room to enjoy your adventure. 


Confidence is something you always carry with you. It shows in your body language, how you speak, and how you carry yourself. Pull your shoulders back, make direct eye contact, speak clearly, and stand tall. If you feel unsure or uncomfortable in specific situations, fake it ‘til you make it. Confidence will help you make friends, avoid scams, and navigate unfamiliar scenarios better. It’s all about looking the part.