3 things to consider when using a standing desk
/image credit Kennyrhoads
For some many of us, we sit all day while we work. And, while this might be a necessity of our jobs, it has a lot of adverse health effects. Sitting all day has both small and dramatic effects on our health, ranging from lower energy all the way up increasing the chances of diabetes and heart disease. Recently, I decided to try purchasing a standing desk to see if I could combat these problems.
Here’s what I’ve learned:
Start Slow and Go Adjustable
The first week was hard. I tackled this by easing into standing at my desk. In other words, one hour on the first day, two hours the second day, and so forth and so on. Now, one month in, I stand for 4-6 hours each day now.
Additionally, there are some tasks that are really hard to do while standing. I’m still not great at long periods of typing while standing. But, handling phone calls, meetings, and brainstorming is perfect for standing.
Because of this, I’m a big advocate of getting an adjustable standing desk. That way, you can lower it to sit down at times, and raise it when you want to stand.
Do Your Research
Make sure to research what the best height is for your standing desk, given your height and weight. If done wrong, you end up hunching over, which negatively affects your arms, shoulders and back.
My feet were sore a lot, and with a little research, I found an anti-fatigue mat that I stand on. That eliminated a lot of my foot soreness at the end of the day.
image credit Robert Nelson
Realize the Benefits
Within a week, I was already seeing benefits. For starters, I actually started to have more energy, especially after I left work for the day. Keeping my muscles active and moving gave me more energy, and I didn’t leave work feeling like I needed a nap.
I also saw productivity benefits at work. At times when I would often have a lull (mid-afternoon most importantly), I wasn’t as prone to need a break or an additional cup of coffee.
While I don’t feel any of the long-term health benefits, I will say that it feels good to know I’m combatting it. This is just a mental benefit, but it feels great to take a positive step towards helping my long-term help.
I would encourage everyone to consider a standing desk for their work. If you buy an adjustable desk, you can ease into the process. You’ll increase your energy and productivity, while simultaneously helping your long-term health.