Hitting the Gym 101: Your Basic Timeline and Tips

With the New Year here, it’s time for everyone to break out their resolutions. Whatever you end up deciding on, it’s best to choose something that is attainable. If you’ve never run long distances before in your life, then you should probably not have a goal to run a marathon by March.

Many people’s New Year’s resolutions do involve some sort of exercise or commitment to getting in shape. That’s great! It’s always good to try and improve your overall health.

If you’re looking at hitting a gym, it might be the first time or it could be the first time in a long time. It can be intimidating because everyone looks like they know what they’re doing and it may feel like everyone is staring at you.

To help get you past those fears or thoughts, here is a basic list of your gym timeline and tips you should take into account.


Before you head to the gym, you need to make sure you have everything with you. If you’re bringing a bag, it’s a good idea to have your gym clothes, workout towel, water bottle, and lock for your locker. If you’re planning on showering there, then have your shower stuff too.

It’s also important that you eat something before. No, you shouldn’t scarf down a donut because “you’re about to burn it off”. Eat something healthy, preferably with a bit of protein, before heading there. Your body needs fuel, healthy fuel. Go for premium instead of cheap grocery store gas.

Gym Arrival

If you came in your car, then you’re starting out cold. Your muscles aren’t loose or limber and your heart rate is at a nice, resting pace. No matter if today is cardio day or arms day, you should take some time and warm up.

For those who are walking into a gym for the very first time, head to a trainer at the front desk. They can help give you a tour and show you the ropes.

Head to the elliptical or treadmill for 5-10 minutes to get your heart pumping and blood flowing. It’ll help wake you up.

Once you feel like you’re warmed up, you can start your exercise.

Gym Etiquette

There are some basic written and unwritten rules about going to the gym.

The first is to make sure you use just one machine at a time. Don’t be that person who’s using two machines for a circuit workout and if you are, make sure you let people work in with you.

In addition, it’s completely normal to ask someone if you can work in with them. You rest during their sets and they rest during yours.

If you’re using dumbbells, make sure you put them back instead of leaving them on the ground. Cleaning up is a big part of the gym process.

After you’re finished using a machine, make sure you take the time to clean it. You don’t know how much sweat you’re leaving behind and it can be pretty gross to step into someone else’s sweat.

It should go without saying, but try not to stare. There may be screamers, people doing bizarre exercises, or even a super good-looking person walking around, but don’t stare at them. If you’re trying to see what workout a person is doing, you should ask a trainer to help you out.


Once you head home or back to the office, it’s important you make sure you eat something. You can get a snack or eat a protein-packed meal. There are limitless options out there on the web, so make sure you look around to find something that seems tasty to you.

It’s also important to remember that rest is incredibly important for your gym routine. Not just getting proper sleep, but taking rest days in between workouts.

When you’re starting out, you don’t want to go every day as your body isn’t ready for it. Try to go four times a week and taking off days in between. This will give your body the time it needs to recover from the previous day’s efforts.

Once you get more in a groove, you can start going every day but making sure you’re going different exercises on those days. You can do upper body on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday while working your legs on Tuesday and Thursday.