You Knew It Would Happen: Signs That Let You Know Your Kids are Growing Up

From the moment your little one was born, you knew they were going to grow up right before your eyes. Although you knew it was coming, you didn’t expect it to happen so fast. The foods they used to enjoy are no longer appealing to them or the cartoons they used to love are no longer funny to them… it’s a bittersweet experience but as a parent, you know that growth is the best thing that can happen to your child.
The moment your child no longer needs you is probably comparable to “Dooms Day,” in the eyes of a parent but the real question is, how will you know when that day has arrived? Well, there’s no true age to give you as to when your child is all grown up because kids mature at different ages but there are some signs that will let you know that your kids are growing up.

Bittersweet Growing Pains: Signs to Look For

They ask for help

Do you remember when your kid was a toddler and was discovering things on their own? Do you also remember how they didn’t want your help with anything? Of course you do… that’s all a part of them growing up and finding their independence.

Well, this “I can do it myself” mentality lasts for quite some time. No matter how many times you try to offer to help, they turn it down. Then they hit their “tween” to teenage years and they have a moment of clarity and say “hey mom, can you help me with this?” or “dad, what do you think of this?” That’s one of the many moments you wait for as a parent!

But don’t get too excited about it because it comes at different times for different parents, but it will come… you just have to be patient.

They admit when they’re wrong and sincerely apologize

This is also a moment that parents wait years for but again, don’t get too excited over it… it can be years before you see this particular return on investment!

From the moment your child learned right from wrong, it became up to them to decide to make good and smart decisions or bad ones with consequences. But being a child not fully understanding the concept of consequences, they’d oftentimes make bad choices and color all over your living room walls with their markers. But the kicker is that when you’d ask them if they did it, they’d say they didn’t… then comes the lessons about lying…

But throughout the years, you do your best to continue teaching them right from wrong and they still make bad decisions, as we all do because we’re human, but the where the sigh of relief comes in is when they’re able to admit when they were wrong and sincerely apologize for it.

Their wants and needs evolve

When your kids were in their adolescent years, their needs and wants were the same… For birthdays, they wanted and needed that new Nerf gun or they wanted and needed the new Barbie Dream House but once they hit middle school age, the only thing they need and want for their birthday is a cell phone… Once they hit a certain age, you have to know the dos and don’ts of gift-giving.

For tweens, cell phones are a right of passage for them but in your mind, it’s a world of chaos. You’re, of course, worried about cell phones because of the internet access… Things like pornography, racism, sexism, and cyberbullying are all things that your kids will be exposed to but the US Department of Justice suggests ways to safeguard your children from those threats.

So, don’t keep your kid in the dark ages without a cell phone. If you’re nervous about giving them a cell phone, you can at least buy a premium pre-owned phone that’s in like-new condition.

They share personal things with you

Crushes, test scores, and dreams are all things you want your kids to share with you but all too often, they choose not to share those things with you. Why? A lot of times, kids feel like you’ll judge them for being curious about certain things or they simply feel like it’s just too awkward and embarrassing, but nonetheless, you continue to let them know they can tell you anything.

Next thing you know, your daughter comes home crying because the guy she likes asked another girl to the dance… and guess what? You’re the first person she wants to talk to about it.

The reality of parenthood...

As you watch your tween develop into a young adult, the thing that can turn this bittersweet experience into a beautiful realization is that your kids will never stop needing you, no matter how independent they are. So don’t think that because your daughter doesn’t need your help tying her shoes anymore or that your son doesn’t like ketchup on his macaroni anymore is a sign that he won’t need you into adulthood.

Your kids are going to always need you whether it’s needing help with homework or needing you to babysit your grandkids while they relax for the weekend… age isn’t going to change your role to them as a parent.